Check Yo’ Self Quiz: Unpacking White Privilege, The First Step is Acceptance
White privilege has been a topic of discussion for some time now, but only recently have people really started to pay attention, accept that they have it, and want to find ways to use that privilege to help those who do not have it.

White privilege is something that you have received at birth. You step into this world with certain privileges already in place since slavery, upheld by Jim Crow Laws and prisons for profit, and reinforced through white supremacy and racism. You can’t deny you have it when the system was constructed well before you were here.

You can freely walk around without being discriminated against because of your race. Racism is systematic oppression that holds power over those of another race and excludes them from being a part of normal society for the financial gain of others, and that’s been going on for 400 years. So if you want to check yo’ self and you should… and use your privilege to help others, take our quiz and see how many questions you answer yes to. The more you have, the more privilege you are walking around with. These are just a start. There are so many resources online to help you. Your Black friends are already dealing with so much, do not put the burden of educating yourself on them.

Continue, after the quiz, to find out ways to use your privilege for good to help others.

When you go to school or work, do you see people that look like you and are the same race?

When you give your opinion, do people usually not think that you are representing your entire race?

Do you feel safe playing hip hop, laughing with the windows down in your car with friends if you pass by the police?

Do you feel that you can go about everyday life, without someone making you feel like you are suspicious, up to no good, or a suspect?

Do you feel that when you visit a doctor or ER, that you are getting the best care possible and that your voice is heard on how you are feeing?

Do you feel safe calling the police to come to your home in an emergency?

Do you not have to focus on how you’re dressed to make sure that you don’t attract unwanted attention from the police?

When you are passionate about something + want to speak up, do you not have to stop yourself because others will think everyone that looks like you is angry?

Do you feel comfortable going into stores to shop knowing that you will not be racially profiled?

Do you feel that your name on your resume will not hinder your ability to land a job that you applied for?

Do you feel that your race does not hinder you when traveling on airplanes, checking into Airbnb, renting apartments, or buying a home?

Can you state that you have never received poor service in a restaurant because of your race?

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