Shay Mitchell Mentions Possible ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Movie


Actress Shay Mitchell sat down with ET’S Katie Krause and discussed all things Pretty Little Liars.

Before Shay dropped hints about a potential Pretty Little Liars movie, she spoke about the cast getting together for a cause back in May.

On Friday, May 15th, the Pretty Little Liars crew partnered up with Cast4good to host a virtual reunion that benefited FeedingAmerica.com. Thousands of PLL fans joined their favorite cast for an hour sharing lots of laughs and smiles.  Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell, Sasha Pieterse, Ian Harding, Janel Parrish, Tyler Blackburn, and creator Marlene King discussed their thoughts on the season finale and answered fans questions.

“I’m so grateful to connect with them,” Mitchell said. “And truly who knows, maybe if it wasn’t over a virtual reunion we may not have been able to get together at the same time. I’m truly grateful we were able to connect even if it was not in person. It was so nice to be able to catch up.”


After Shay shared her experience during the reunion, Katie Krause asked if we can expect a Pretty Little Liars movie shortly. She responded, “never say never.” “If that was something that was happening, I would jump on board for sure. Absolutely,” she told ET.

Being that a week ago was Shay’s 10th anniversary playing “Emily Fields”, she shared with us some of the special memories she and her castmates created behind scenes.

“The first thing I remember about our first day of shooting was Lucy’s pink highlights because that was the first scene. I remember that outfit that I wore, I may or may not have loved it,” she recalled. “I remember shooting it and it was in Vancouver, so I was so grateful because truly that was the only way I would have been able to be a part of the show. My papers hadn’t come in yet and I was Canadian, and so everything managed to work out.”

Mitchell mentioned that she would often give secret “shout-outs” to her friends and family while filming.

“I would hide different messages and things in my locker. One of my nicknames from my aunt was Peanut, and I printed out a Peanut and put it in my locker. I thought it’d be funny because she’d always be like, ‘I saw it!'” she confessed. “[I did] little things like that for people that were watching. [I’d put] a photo of my best friend and it was a real photo and she’d be like, ‘You put me in the show?'”


The future remains unknown as to when or if Pretty Little Liars will hit the big screen but for now, we can only hope.