Skai Jackson Says ‘No Excuses!’ to Wearing a Face Mask

Nathan Congleton/NBC

If Skai Jackson can workout in a face mask and still breath properly, then so can you.

“If we can do it during a workout, you can do it wherever you go. No excuses! 😷,” the Disney star captioned a post she made on Instagram on July 11, 2020. Jackson is seen in a video lifting exercise balls beside her mother, Kiya Cole. The pair are both wearing face masks, and Jackson is also sporting what appears to be latex gloves.


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Repost from @kiyacole • #wearamask If we can do it during a workout, you can do it wherever you go. No excuses! 😷

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The world may be suffering an “infodemic” regarding the infamous coronavirus, according to ABC News. Here are three common myths debunked about wearing face masks.

The first fictitious myth is that medical conditions prevent people from wearing a face mask in public. This is false. While some mental health conditions could prevent someone from wearing a mask in public, such as claustrophobia or post-traumatic stress disorder, the vast majority can wear one. According to ABC News’ Dr. Jennifer Ashton, “If someone is well enough to be out in public, they are well enough to put some kind of face-covering or mask on.”

The second myth regarding wearing a face mask is that “masks cut off your oxygen to the point that they make you sick.” This is untrue. Masks are not airtight, and if they were, anyone working in the medical field, etc. would pass out from not being able to breathe. “…oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules are small enough to easily pass through a face covering,” according to Ashton.

Finally, the third myth: “Wearing a mask eliminates the need for social distancing.” This is untrue. “To be crystal clear, it’s not either a mask or 6 feet apart. It’s both,” explains Ashton. “That’s for everyone else’s protection and it may be for your protection as well.” Now you can’t say you were misinformed.

As of this month, the case of coronavirus cases has reached an all-time high of approximately 62,000 cases. The average daily deaths from coronavirus have decreased 75 percent since their peak in April 2020.

Help protect yourself and your community during this pandemic by educating yourself with tips on how to stay safe here.