Protestors Demanded Justice for Vanessa Guillen at a Caravan in L.A.


The charity organization Find Vanessa Guillen organized a caravan protest on Sunday, July 26, at L.A. Live.

The caravan protest at L.A. Live on Sunday, in conjunction with a march in Washington D.C. scheduled for Thursday, July 30, aimed to pressure Congress into passing the I Am Vanessa Guillen bill and to begin an official congressional investigation into the murder of Guillen. Guillen was stationed at Fort Hood Army Base when she was believed to have been murdered on April 22 by another enlisted soldier. The dismembered pieces of her remains were found buried along a river on June 30. Actor Ryan Guzman shared his support of the event to his Instagram account.

“It is a disgrace how Fort Hood lacks of responsibility, safety, and respect to its soldiers,” wrote Find Vanessa Guillen in a recent Instagram post. “Soldiers in active duty should feel safe, should be respected mentally, physically, sexually, and the command needs to take responsibility.” 

The L.A. Live protest took place from 12-4 p.m. and participants were encouraged to wear any of Guillen’s favorite colors, including emerald green, yellow, white, and blue. The organizers of the protest recommended that participants bring water and snacks. Actor Ryan Guzman was one of the many protestors seeking justice for Guillen this Sunday.

Find Vanessa Guillen is also organizing a peaceful protest in Washington D.C. for Thursday, July 30, from 9 a.m. EST to 1 p.m. EST. Attorney Natalie Kahawam, the attorney for the Guillen family and a civil rights activist committed to serving veterans and those in the military, will introduce the I Am Vanessa Guillen Bill at 9 a.m. Protesters, including Kahawam and the Guillen family, will march from the Capitol to the White House at 10 a.m. 


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Please share and if you can, attend the Justice For Vanessa Guillén peaceful march ! We will not stop until justice is obtain, we will not be silent until the #iamvanessaguillen bill gets passed ! The pandemic of sexual harassment, assault, abuse and tape has to stop, our men and women putting their life in the life for the nation and its people deserve to be respected and heard ! Vanessa Guillen will be honored and remembered because she is making history, she will always be in our minds and hearts, always and forever ! @attorneynataliekhawam and the Guillen Family will be marching to the front of the White House because Vanessa will be heard, please join us ! We will also be providing drinks, masks and shirt but feel free to represent Vanessa Guillen with her favorite color, green. Please keep sharing and attending protests-vigils ! #vanessaguillen #justiceforvanessa #wearevanessaguillen #justiceforvanessaguillen

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“We will not stop until justice is obtain[ed], we will not be silent until the #iamvanessaguillen bill gets passed!” wrote Find Vanessa Guillen in a recent Instagram post. “The pandemic of sexual harassment, assault, abuse and [r]ape has to stop, our men and women putting their li[ves] in the life for the nation and its people deserve to be respected and heard! Vanessa Guillen will be honored and remembered because she is making history, she will always be in our minds and hearts, always and forever!”

Follow @findvanessaguillen on Instagram for updates, and click here to join the Facebook event for the Washington D.C. march.