YouTube Yoga Instructor Adriene Mishler Stands with Breonna Taylor

As hostess of the auspicious YouTube channel Yoga With Adriene, Adriene Mishler has established a broad global platform based on one primary principle: find what feels good.
It is Mishler’s inclusive and body-positive approach to yoga that has made her virtual studio so wildly successful. With a community of over 7 million viewers on her side, Mishler has received numerous honors and accolades since launching her channel in 2012. Moreover, Mishler’s platform has expanded substantially this year. In the throes of quarantine, Mishler’s YouTube videos increased in popularity, leading The Guardian to hail her the “winner” of quarantine.
But Mishler is not only using her platform to lead us through cleansing vinyasas. Earlier this week, Mishler reached out to her Twitter (and Instagram) followers with a message in support of Breonna Taylor. Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT from Louisville, was shot and killed in her home on March 13, 2020. As an unarmed African American woman, Taylor’s death became one of the guiding forces behind recent Black Lives Matter protests.
In her tweet, Mishler voiced her partnership with the Breonna Taylor Foundation, stating, “It’s 150 days since Breonna Taylor was murdered. Too often Black women who die from police violence are forgotten. Stay loud, demand justice—and SAY HER NAME.” Alongside the tweet, Mishler shared images of herself donning a Phenomenal Woman t-shirt reading, “ARREST THE COPS WHO KILLED BREONNA TAYLOR.” For close-up details of the shirt, check out the images listed at the end of this article.
It’s 150 days since Breonna Taylor was murdered. Too often Black women who die from police violence are forgotten. Stay loud, demand justice—and SAY HER NAME. This tee is made in partnership with the Breonna Taylor Foundation to whom all profits are given.
— Adriene Mishler (@yogawithadriene) August 10, 2020
This is not the first time that the yogi has used her platform to advocate for Black Lives Matter. In July, Mishler participated in Share The Mic by lending her socials to Tie Simpson. Simpson, who founded the Sisters of Yoga Collective, took the opportunity to promote anti-racism and activism through spiritual wellness.
We are glad to see that Mishler is using her platform as a tool to fight racial injustice and promote acceptance.
If you’d like to purchase the shirt mentioned above, check out The Phenomenal Woman Action Campaign, a non-profit spearheaded by activist Meena Harris. Detailed front and back images of the garment can be found below.