Selena Gomez Is Flustered After Call From ‘Cute Boy’ During Cooking Show


Hold the line, Selena Gomez has fans chomping at the bit to see what “cute boy” rang her telephone.

Everyone can relate to the electric shock sensation of that certain special someone’s name popping up on your phone screen. Few things compare. So, who exactly was guilty of transmitting this feeling to Selena Gomez? The suspense is driving us all mad.

According to US Weekly, Gomez was looking cool as a cucumber when cooking Korean BBQ Texas breakfast tacos with chef Roy Choi on the Thursday, August 20 episode of her HBO Max series, Selena + Chef until she received the infamous phone call.

As reported by US Weekly, this is how it all went down. Selena told the mystery man, “Hey, I’m going to have to call you back,” upon answering the phone. “Sorry, cute boy,” she admitted to Choi after hanging up with a big smile and a small laugh. The chef responded, “That was a cute boy? You can take the call.”

But wait, there’s more. The starlet shushed Choi and continued saying, “What am I doing? I just got like …” and her grandmother finished her sentence for her with, “Distracted.” Caught red-handed. This was no ordinary contact in her cellphone, it’s more like the kind you stick an emoji next to.

Although it is still a puzzle who the man behind the screen was, fans have not hesitated to share their suspicions. What better place to classically let it all out than Twitter, of course? “It’s abel aka the weeknd and here is why,” tweeted one fan, according to US Weekly. “abel saw the stories of abelena stans on ig sharing abelena videos. Most of selena’s friends are following him on ig and there is no way them following him cos they like his music( they may do)but they all unfollowed him when abelena broke up so followings are newly [sic].”


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Eyebrows are also being raised at Teen Wolf actor Dylan O’Brien due to the Gomez having posed next to “Potatoes O’Brien” during a recent fridge and freezer tour. Figuring out who was on the other end of the phone is difficult to determine, therefore this case of romance remains open.

You can read the full story and open your investigation on who shot Cupid’s arrow at Selena Gomez on US Weekly here.