The Cast of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Set to Resume Live Shows in October

Will Heath/NBC

It’s been announced that Saturday Night Live will be live once again following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The iconic sketch show will be returning to Studio 8H on October 3 to kick off its 46th season.

SNL hasn’t aired a live show since Daniel Craig hosted back in March. Since then it has only aired three episodes that cast members recorded remotely as well as a tribute to Hal Willner, the shows music coordinator who passed away in April from the coronavirus.

It was said that The Office star John Krasinski was preparing to host an episode before live production shut down, but it hasn’t been said yet if he will return.

In fact, there has been no announcement yet of any rumored host or musical guest to appear on the show, or if there will be the traditional in-studio audience.

Fans didn’t hesitate to share their excitement for the show’s return.

This isn’t the first NBC show to be returning to Rockefeller Center. Productions like Late Night with Seth Meyers and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon have also made their returns. Meyers started filming earlier this week and Fallon has been in the studio since July.

NBC also hasn’t released how many episodes will be included in this upcoming season, but it is safe to assume that there will be multiple episodes following the premiere. We can’t wait to see what SNL has in store for its premiere.