Meghan Trainor Uses Instagram To Encourage Fans To Get Out and Vote

Meghan Trainor recently posted a cute and catchy jingle on Instagram with an important message behind it.
Meghan Trainor was “All About That Bass” in 2014, but now she’s all about that vote as the 26-year-old pop star posted an upbeat jingle to her Instagram encouraging her young audience to vote. Trainor is best known for some of her hit songs, “No,” “Like I’m Gonna Lose You,” and “Lips Are Movin.” The singer has made it onto the billboard top 10 hits a multiple of times and has worked her way up to a following of over 11 million on Instagram.
This isn’t the first time Trainor has gotten political on her platform and advocated for important issues. Back in June, the celebrity posted various photos on Instagram in support of the black lives matter movement.
With such a large following and young fan base, it’s important for celebrities like Trainor to use their platform to encourage their followers to act on important issues. Not only did she speak out on the importance of voting, and how our generation should use our voice, she did it in an upbeat and fun way. You can watch the short jingle she created here, and you might find yourself humming along to the catchy tune afterward. We amend the singer for being such a great role model, and couldn’t agree more, “we’re lucky that we have a choice, so now’s a time to raise your voice.”
Fans shared on Twitter their appreciation for her positive use of her platform.
Thank you for using your platform to inform and encourage everyone about the importance of voting ✅
— Christina (@readysetrock75) September 14, 2020
Make sure to check out how and where you can vote this upcoming Election day.
I am a Business Management student with a passion for marketing, graphic design, fashion, and social media. My work in marketing has been inspired by my love for fashion, and pop culture. I constantly read new magazines, and articles, and like to keep up on current trends, and latest travel destinations. Im excited to be interning for Glitter Magazine, and look forward to translating my passions into my writing!