Midwest COVID-19 Cases Surge in Response to Lack of Restrictive Measures

Alexander Shelegov/Shutterstock

Coronavirus cases sky-rocket throughout the midwest, despite drops in other regions.

Tatevik Bagdasaryan/Shutterstock

Coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19 cases started showing up at the beginning of March. Symptoms for COVID have varied depending on the individual, but the general ones include cough, shortness of breath, fever, and flu-like symptoms. The highest record of cases in the United States began in the Northeast but according to an article written by The New York Times, cases have surged in the Midwest. In comparison to other regions, the number of cases in the midwest is drastically higher.


It is implied that the reason for these cases surging is due to restrictions being loosened and not taken as seriously in comparison to other states during the reopening. One professor at the University of Kansas described it as “When things opened up, it was like, ‘We’re ready to party.” Universities have also played a large role in the surge of the virus as social distancing rules have not been implicated, leaving asymptomatic students as carriers. Universities are not the sole responsibility of an increase in cases, it was reported that a Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota may have been an additional reason for the case count rising.

Multiple regions in the midwest look at masks as a political belief, instead of a mandatory way to protect one’s health and the health of others, which could be an indicator of why cases have increased. According to the CDC, in order to protect yourself and others, it’s increasingly important to maintain proper social distance from others and wear a face-covering or mask. These are restrictions that are currently on the back burner for regions in the Midwest. There is no way in telling when cases will begin to decline in the Midwest, but it is hoped that citizens begin to feel the seriousness of this virus, pressuring governors to create mandatory restrictions.

See below for what some are saying online in regards to the Midwest spikes.