The United States Passes 200,000 Deaths From COVID-19

As the demographic of the virus shifts from cities to rural areas, it is clear that the coronavirus is still spreading all across the United States.
One analysis found that the first 100,000 deaths in the U.S. primarily came from large cities, New York City taking the largest amount of lives the country witnessed. However, in the second half of these 200,000 deaths, they sharply increased amongst rural county’s far outside the cities. This type of disease spread has occurred before, one example is the spread of HIV which hit cities hard first and then dispersed through medium and smaller cities.
The transmission of the virus throughout the country to all different places and people should not be surprising—however saddening. Due to different leadership styles and personal opinions, most of these rural areas did not think the coronavirus would touch them, therefore they did not prepare for it. These areas also have a more difficult time getting access to hospitals near them which are smaller in size than a city hospital. This could spell disaster if the spread gets worse.
The staggering number that indicates the loss of life is incredibly difficult and painful to comprehend. Unfortunately, this is only the official estimate. Experts are still unsure of the total loss on a national scale. While this is a scary situation, there is always something we can do to help ourselves, our community, and the country at large.
“I really thought we would rise more to this challenge, but sadly, we haven’t.”
As the US passes the grim milestone of 200,000 Covid-19 deaths, Dr. Sanjay Gupta says he never thought this many people would die from coronavirus when the pandemic began.
— CNN (@CNN) September 23, 2020
We can reduce the time we spend in public, only going for necessities and when we do so, doing it safely. Pay attention to your space and the space of others around you. Always wear a mask. Check-in on your relatives and friends virtually, and make sure you are getting some form of physical exercise. Escapism through movies, books, and music always helps pass the time and take your mind away from the situation.
We can all help reduce the spread of #COVID19:
• Stay 6+ feet away from others
• Wear a facemask
• Wash your hands regularly, with soap
Get more tips on workplace safety and the #coronavirus: #KeepWorkersSafe— US Labor Department (@USDOL) September 21, 2020
We are not alone and we are certainly not helpless in the face of this crisis. We know what we need to do to stop the spread until a vaccine enters the arena and the world will change for the better.
