Celebrating and Acknowledging Indigenous Peoples’ Day


More and more people are celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day, October 12, instead of Columbus Day.


As it is historically known, Columbus Day is a United States holiday, commemorating and honoring Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America.

However, for Native Americans and many others, this day represents the brutality and suffering of colonization.

Therefore, to deflect from Columbus Day’s celebration, many states and households celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day to honor Native American peoples and remember their history and culture.

Throughout history, Native American citizens have been fighting for equal and human rights. Now in 2020, as seen with the Latino and Black communities, COVID-19 has hit Native Americans hard. Not only has it been harsh on the number of cases, but their household economy.

Columbus Day is a federal holiday, which means the United States government recognizes it and brings the closure of non-essential government offices, post offices, and banks.

Nevertheless, state and local governments can choose not to observe a federal government. In 1977, a notion of an Indigenous Peoples Day took place at the United Nations. South Dakota was the first state to recognize the holiday in 1989. Then sates such as Alabama, Alaska, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Vermont, and Wisconsin have followed and declared the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples Day.

Today, people take to Twitter to celebrate and continue the celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Although more people are starting to recognize Indigenous People’s Day, there is still a lot more to do to better acknowledge the lives of Native Americans.

Be sure to be informed and acknowledge the lives of Native Americans today and every day. You can learn more about Indigenous People’s Day here.