Kadir Nelson Creates the Iconic New ‘Black-Ish’ Cover for Season Seven

ABC/Kadir Nelson

As season seven of ABC’s iconic Black-ish approaches, the artist Kadir Nelson is tasked with creating the cover portrait.

You may recognize the cover featured in the Smithsonian, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, or the notable cover of the New Yorker titled “Say Their Name,” which was a tribute to African Americans killed at the hands of violence.

The show, created by Kenya Barris is all about the inter-workings of a modern African American family adjusting to the culture and discovering individual and group identity. Nelson is a fan of the show and understands a family’s perspective from experience, making him the perfect prospect for this piece. Black-ish returns on October 21.

The family is depicted as collectedly sipping tea. This is an ode to the current political climate. Nelson imagined the fictional Johnson family being informed about what’s going on but taking another perspective as they observe it.

Nelson seems to capture every emotion through his art in a powerful way. By looking at his pieces, a million thoughts flood your head with proving concepts and evoke action. With this specific project, he was given total creative freedom. He showed Johnson’s in all of their successful glory.

Fans can expect more much needed topical issues to hit the silver screen. Though the show takes on controversial topics, it gives the viewer the perspective of an African American family, which sparks conversation and action. We can thank Nelson for doing the Johnson family justice and getting fans excited for season seven.