Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Praises Pandemic Heroes on ‘CNN Heroes’


Recently, Meghan Markle appeared on the CNN Heroes TV special to honor the people and communities that are helping others get through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Duchess of Sussex talked about people’s empathy and compassion during this time in a pre-recorded video on CNN Heroes. She stated, “In a year that has been universally challenging for everyone, I’m inspired by the stories of compassion in our communities. Across the country, people have put their own needs aside to come together and support the collective well-being of those around them.”

The pandemic has affected many families and individuals, causing loneliness, fear, financial instability, inability to obtain food, and many more struggles. Markle spoke about how the changes that arose from the virus causes further issues; she added, “Overnight, everything seemed to change. For many families, the impact of the pandemic has been catastrophic, and far too many were faced with the heartbreaking question, ‘How am I going to put food on the table for my family?'”

She later expresses how the help of others’ makes a big impact on those suffering from the pandemic. Markle mentions that through COVID-19, she was able to see the kindness of individuals as they came together to assist one another through challenging situations.

The Duchess of Sussex said, “But in the face of this devastating reality, we also saw the power of the human spirit and the remarkable ways that communities respond in challenging times. We saw the good in people, in our neighbors and in entire communities coming together to say they would not stand by while our neighbors went hungry.”

She also stressed the importance of food during this time and thanked those who helped provide food for others, saying, “We know the value of food as nourishment, as a life source, and in moments of crisis, the warmth of a meal can feel as comforting as a much-needed hug, especially in the absence of human contact due to the social distancing we’re all experiencing. These moments reminded so many that they’re cared for. Tonight, we are celebrating these quiet heroes, some of whom I know and others that we applaud from afar.”

We are so glad to see these real-life heroes being celebrated for all of their good and crucial work during this extremely difficult time. You can watch clips from the TV special here.