Alma Har’el Supports FKA Twigs After Shia LeBeouf Allegations

Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

The director of Honey Boy, Alma Har’el went public about her support of singer FKA Twigs in regards to the abuse allegations against Shia LaBeouf.

Honey Boy is a drama movie project starring both parties, FKA Twigs and LaBeouf. LaBeouf wrote the screenplay as a form of therapy, as it’s about his relationship with his father and childhood. After the film, the two began a relationship, where Twigs sued for emotional and physical abuse.

“I have a deep respect for FKA Twigs’ courage and resilience. Reading what she endured left me heartbroken and I stand with her in solidarity,” Har’el told Variety. “I’m sending my love to her, Karolyn Pho [LaBeouf’s former girlfriend], all victims of domestic violence, and everyone who is trying to stop cycles of abuse.”

She also expressed how even though LaBeouf experienced childhood trauma and that she invested in his recovery and told his story, none of those things “excuse, minimize, or rationalize domestic violence.”

Har’el also donated on behalf of Twig and Pho to organizations that help survivors of domestic violence and abuse, such as FreeFrom, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and Sistah.

Twigs is extremely strong for sharing her story and like Har’el has done, it’s important to stand behind her and not invalidate her story; opening up about such an experience is extremely difficult and brave.