INTERVIEW: Casimere Jollette Discusses All Things Dance, Netflix’s ‘Tiny Pretty Things,’ Her Reaction to Getting the Role of Bette, and Staying Motivated

Casimere Jollette’s break out Tiny Pretty Things role combines her passion for dance and love of acting.

Tiny Pretty Things is based on the book by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton. The Netflix series began streaming on December 14 and explores the world of Chicago’s only elite dance school, the Archer School of Ballet. We see the highs and lows of the dancers striving for greatness and success, putting their all into their passion for dance and dreams.
Season one is a total of ten episodes, and Casimere portrays Bette Whitlaw. Read our exclusive interview with Casimere Jollette below to find out when she started dancing, her decision to pursue acting, the new Netflix series, how she relates to her character, behind the scenes stories, and social isolation.

GLITTER: When did you first realize that you had a love for dance? At what age did you know that dancing was a game-changer for you?
CASIMERE: I started dancing when I was two years old so I honestly don’t ever remember a time without dance in my life. It was my passion ever since I was little, and my goal was to become a professional dancer.
GLITTER: What lessons have dancing taught you about yourself?
CASIMERE: It’s taught me to believe in myself and to fight for the things I love. It’s also given me my competitive edge to help me survive in this industry. It’s a rough world out there.
GLITTER: When did you get into acting? Was there a moment that made you decide you wanted to pursue it?
CASIMERE: I was 14 years old when an acting coach and manager from LA, Lisa Morgan, moved back to Chicago and was looking for a studio to rent to start up her new business. She got put in contact with my mom and started working out of her dance studio. Lisa put me on tape for my first audition for Bunheads. I got a callback and had to fly to LA for my first time for a producer’s session. That is when I realized that acting could be a possibility and that I may have a knack for it. I loved that, just like dance, it is a form of expression and performance, and I fell in love with it.
GLITTER: You star in Netflix’s new series Tiny Pretty Things, which came out on December 14. What attracted you to the project?
CASIMERE: Everything about the project attracted me. The show takes place in Chicago, where I have lived and trained ballet for my entire life growing up. It was everything I had hoped and dreamed for in an acting project. It was too good to be true. I have always wanted my break out acting role to include my first love, dance. The storyline and everything about the project just hit so close to home. I fought so hard for it and wanted it more than anything.

GLITTER: How would you describe your character ‘Bette’, and were there any challenges to playing her?
CASIMERE: Bette is a very complex character with lots of physical and emotional distress. She can come off very strong and put a bad taste in peoples’ mouths with her rude and impulsive behavior. She comes from a privileged family but has to work harder than anyone else due to the attention always being drawn to her sister, who is the principal dancer at City Works Ballet. It was very challenging to find the happy medium in Bette and make her likable despite her malicious ways. Thankfully, the writers gave my character a great arch that I was able to play and work with to make Bette grow as a person throughout the season.
GLITTER: What was your reaction when you found out you landed the role?
CASIMERE: I got the call that I landed the role when I was on set for my last dance job in LA, before eventually moving to Canada to film Tiny Pretty Things. I remember hearing dancers on set talking about Tiny Pretty Things, and it was so hard to keep my mouth shut and my excitement to myself. As soon as I wrapped on set, I got in my car and bawled my eyes out in happiness, calling my family and friends and breaking the news.
GLITTER: For those who haven’t watched the show yet, what is one thing you’d tease about the show that would spark their interest?
CASIMERE: Lots of steamy drama, ballet, love triangles, and mystery!!! Don’t want to give too much away, but if you love any of these things, you will definitely love our show (:
GLITTER: Is there anything you can relate to either about Bette’s character or storyline?
CASIMERE: Absolutely. I think the writers did a phenomenal job at creating a show relatable to the ballet world. The dance world can be a ruthless place, so I definitely know dancers like Bette who pretend to be your friend one minute and the next are shoving you to the side to get the lead role. I can also relate to the physical and mental pain Bette had with her foot injury. I have had many injuries throughout my dance career. One of them actually happened on set of Tiny Pretty Things. I tore my psoas, which is the largest and strongest muscle in your hip flexor. I found myself trying to cover up my injury while filming and trying to push through the pain, just as Bette did on the show. So many people on set actually thought I was method acting, which I was NOT. It just so happened that I got injured in real life, just as my character did on the show. In the end, though, I actually do think it helped my performance and understanding of her.

GLITTER: Since the series is now streaming, can you tell us which scene was your favorite to film?
CASIMERE: I have many favorites. One of them would be when Oren, Shane, and Bette are dancing outside with the Chicago skyline behind them. My mom was on set that day, and it’s just such a sentimental memory for me: to be back where I started doing what I love, but this time I was doing it professionally for my dream job on a Netflix drama ballet series. Another one of my favorite scenes to film was the Italian dinner scene at Matteo’s family’s house. I’m Italian, believe it or not, so it was just very similar to my life and what I grew up with. It was just so much fun to include that chaotic family aspect to it. Not to mention pasta is my all-time favorite food, and I got to eat SO much of it in that scene. I’m gluten-free, so props made it all allergy-friendly for me and gave me literal bins of pasta to take home. I was in heaven for days.
GLITTER: Any funny behind the scenes stories you can share?
CASIMERE: I concussed the actor who plays Shane in a dance rehearsal by accident. It wasn’t funny then, but now, looking back, we laugh about it. We were partnering together, and our heads literally bonked. The next day or so, we had to perform our duet for camera — he was concussed, and I had blistery and bloody feet that I was BARELY able to dance on. Not sure how we pulled through, but we did!
GLITTER: How do you keep yourself positive and motivated when dealing with a struggle?
CASIMERE: Just by remembering that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I always do better talking with someone about a struggle rather than keeping it bottled up inside. Having support is definitely a must.

GLITTER: What was a day in social isolation like for you? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
CASIMERE: I have picked up many hobbies since the pandemic started. I bought an acoustic guitar, I started knitting and designing/making my own jewelry—many things to keep me artistically busy and occupied. I also built a little ballet studio in my basement, so I love going down there to work out and give myself ballet class.
GLITTER: What is your go-to binge-watch show?
CASIMERE: Tiny Pretty Things (;
GLITTER: Do you have any dream roles or people you hope to work with in the future?
CASIMERE: Despite landing a TV series where I play a ballet dancer, I would love to be in an action movie like Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I would also love to be able to do all my own stunts. Speaking of that movie, I would love to work alongside Brad Pitt.
GLITTER: Advice for anyone pursuing their passion for something, whether it’s acting, dancing, or something else?
CASIMERE: To never give up. If you love something and you’re passionate about it, continue it. No matter what others say or the criticism you receive. And just know, it may also take you a while to get there. I’ve been at this acting thing for ten years. It has been a journey, but I have never given up, and I have had to move past all the no’s I have received in this business to get to where I am today. Just never give up and work hard.

GLITTER: Glitter has a celebrity #SelfLoveCampaign. What does self-love mean to you?
CASIMERE: Respecting yourself and believing in yourself. Being confident in yourself. Supporting yourself.
GLITTER: What are the best social media platforms for fans to keep up with all things Casimere?
CASIMERE: Instagram: @casimere

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