INTERVIEW: Trevor Jackson on Season 3 of Freeform’s ‘grown-ish,’ His Music, Diversity, and Best Advice

Freeform/Eric McCandless

Trevor Jackson stars as Aaron Jackson in Freeform’s hit series grown-ish, and the actor shared what sort of ups and downs fans can expect from the rest of season three.

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Season three of the series has finally returned, and there is so much in store for fans. Aaron will continue to embrace his passion for activism and justice. Fans will also see what happens with him and Zoey in these new episodes. The show airs Thursdays at 8 PM ET on Freeform.

Read our exclusive interview with Trevor Jackson below to find out more about all his favorites, new album, what he wants to explore further with Aaron, and new projects.

GLITTER: grown-ish season three returned on January 21; what can fans expect from this new season?
TREVOR: Fans can expect a lot of ups and downs relationship-wise, but in terms of Aaron, a lot of growth. He’s still pursuing his activism. And as you know, the last season, we left off with a weird situation with him and Zoey, so we’ll see where that goes. But, yeah, it’s still the same old amazing grown-ish, we’re just getting older and, you know, the older you get, the harder some things can be. But I’m super excited without revealing too much. It’s going to be very, very, very fun.

GLITTER: What is one aspect of Aaron’s storyline or background that you’d like to explore further?
TREVOR: His parent relationship. I feel like that’s something that comes up randomly and he kind of doesn’t fully, you know. So I’d like to know what that relationship is like more so, and where he got the inspiration to be an activist. Was it his father? Was it an uncle? You know, who did he see that made him want to be that? Maybe it was just Martin Luther King on TV when he was a kid; I don’t know. So that’s something I definitely would like to explore.

GLITTER: Any fun stories you can share from filming?
TREVOR: Every day is fun with those guys. Everybody’s so talented; you know what I mean? I can’t wait to get back.

Freeform/Eric McCandless

GLITTER: Do you share any similarities with Aaron?
TREVOR: Aaron and I share the similarities of ambitiousness. Yeah, just being ambitious, going hard, and believing in your purpose and your message, regardless of how many feelings you may hurt for sticking up for what’s right. I think I’ll always do that.

Freeform/Eric McCandless

GLITTER: Are you working on any new music?
TREVOR: Absolutely. I have an album dropping this year. I’m very excited. And on the 26th of this month, I’m putting out a music video to my single that I dropped, “Just Friends,” which I co-directed, co-edited, and yeah, very excited for how that turned out, and hopefully, everybody loves it.

Freeform/Eric McCandless

GLITTER: Favorite show you binge-watched over quarantine? 
TREVOR: Lovecraft Country was up there. Lovecraft Country was phenomenal. I hope there’s a season two, and I hope I’m available, and I hope they cast me. It was great. I loved it.

Freeform/Eric McCandless

GLITTER: What was a day in social isolation like for you?
TREVOR: A day in social isolation, I go surfing, I get my mind right. I might do some yoga. Might get on Call of Duty. Eat a lot of food and maybe play guitar, and go to sleep, sleep is good.

GLITTER: Any goals for 2021?
TREVOR: Definitely want to be in better shape. I’ve been saying this for the past four years: by the time I’m twenty-five, I want to be in the best shape of my life. I’m not doing good so far. Since this new year has started, I have not put any effort towards that, but I will.

GLITTER: Best piece of advice you’ve received, either personal or acting-wise?
TREVOR: I think moderation, that word always comes in my head. I haven’t perfected that, but I think once you do, you’ll be okay. Cause I think the mind is always two people, so finding the through-line and whatever that is.

GLITTER: What is at the top of your most recent playlist?
TREVOR: I don’t have a playlist, I’ll be honest, but what song I like, all through the holidays and New Year’s Eve while celebrating with my family, I was playing “Whoopty” by CJ.

Freeform/Kelsey McNeal

GLITTER: Are there any aspects of the entertainment industry you hope to explore in the future?
TREVOR: Yeah, I want to write a movie. I want to direct a film. So here’s something, I want to write, direct, compose, edit, all, I want to do everything on one film in my life. So that’s a goal of mine.

GLITTER: What do you think the industry needs to work on when it comes to diversity?
TREVOR: I think just having more diversity in the room, in the creative process, and not to where it feels like it’s charity either; that I don’t like. I don’t want to be like, “oh because we have to,” you know, it’s like it should just be a thing. So that’s one, but yeah, I think just having more diversity in the room and creating stories that don’t have to be necessarily that person’s heritage because I feel like everybody from every aspect of life can be a lawyer. So when you make a story about a Black person being a lawyer, it doesn’t have to go into it, just “He’s a lawyer, and he’s Black.” In the movie, he doesn’t have to be like, “oh, I’m a Black lawyer, and I’m trying to show that I’m cool to other lawyers.” He should just be a lawyer, and his struggle should be— maybe it’s a relationship struggle, or maybe he’s trying to impress his boss so he can get a promotion. It’s things that are normal. Everything doesn’t have to be spun onto that.

GLITTER: Top five favorite movies?
TREVOR: I watch movies daily. I’m obsessed. I’m obsessed with movies. Okay, I’ll hit you with Matrix. Oh, this is hard because I love them. I like The Lorax a lot. MatrixThe Lorax… oh man, CasinoLawless; I’m just naming the ones that come into my head; these aren’t top five. Soul was good, but I don’t know; it’s hard. I could say a million movies. That was the first top-five.

Freeform/Eric McCandless

GLITTER: Glitter has a celebrity #SelfLoveCampaign. What does self-love mean to you?
TREVOR: Self-love means saying no to people so that you can say yes to yourself, and whatever that means. Sometimes we’ll be like, “Oh, we just always want to make this person happy,” or “You wanna go here? We’ll go here,” even though you haven’t slept all day. You just got to take the time out. Everything you put out, your body needs to recharge and get more energy again so you can take the time, whether it’s going to get a massage, whether that’s going to serve, whether that’s wanting to paint for the day and not answer your phone, like all of these things are important.

GLITTER: Do you have any new projects coming up that you can share?
TREVOR: I’m producing some projects, what exactly they are I’m not allowed to share, I don’t think, but they are films, and I’m allowed to say that I think. But yeah, producing, I’ve been doing a lot more of that. Just trying to create content and be a part of special things.

GLITTER: What are the best social media platforms for fans to follow you?
TREVOR: Instagram for sure; @trevorjackson5 on Instagram. Yeah, but don’t be on there all the time. Even if you’re talking, you guys got to put your phones down and go outside, breathe air, connect to people, and talk to people without your phone in your hand. Set it down, lock it in a box and see how you feel then in your own feelings.

To watch our entire interview, click below.