Sustainable Living Has Been Dominating Social Media – Here’s Why

Igisheva Maria / Shutterstock

Sustainability is a rising lifestyle many TikTokers and Instagram shopowners have become acquainted with – so why has it become popular?

Global-Warming appears to have many people concerned about their carbon footprint. On social media sites, eco-friendly and sustainable living companies and brands have garnered much attention.

Sustainable living is a lifestyle in an attempt to use less personal resources or Earth’s natural resources. The hope is to reduce carbon footprint. Eco-friendly living is living in a way that is friendly to the environment, not damaging. 

Using reusable bags to shop, recycling, composting, using LED lightbulbs, or even just shutting off a room’s lights are some of the many ways people have begun trying to be more sustainable. These minimal effects have led to brands selling and creating more sustainable products.  

Recycled materials to create new paper, leftover fabrics to design one-of-a-kind pieces, and revamping vintage jewelry, are some of the ways creators have shown their talents. Upcycling has become a major selling point.

From packaging to shipping, as well as what’s used to make a product, these shop owners have switched to environmentally friendly ideals. 

Some continue to talk about how they plan to cut back on their use of unsustainable products while some talk about how their products are fully sustainable. 

During the Industrial Revolution the use of factories, while seemingly impactful for jobs at the time, posed serious environmental issues. These issues such as air and water pollution posed threats such as cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis. While modern medicine helps with diseases, the potential worsening threat of pollution seems to have increased. 

These shopowners appear to want to help the lessening of big company pollution. Their products give way to a green-friendly establishment that looks to be going up.

Sustainable buying has gotten heat from many people though, claiming that it’s for the privileged few. Across the board sustainable living, while seemingly great, is not attainable for many.

“While the recent rise in sustainability across all industries is ultimately a positive thing, there is an often-unspoken reality that comes with it.  Living sustainably requires more money, more time, and more energy to keep up. And unfortunately, underserved populations, that do not have this time and money, are left out of the discussion and movement to live sustainably. Yes, in today’s world it is very much a privilege to be able to live sustainably,” stated Synergy Clothing.

Sustainable living appears to require a certain amount of privilege. Not just to afford products, but to continue living the life.

Synergy Clothing continued, “The trend encompasses substantial judgment, and a holier than thou approach, which then creates more shame and actually feeds further marginalization. Those who have the money and time, tout the sustainable life, rave about their practices, and often make it seem like if you aren’t following specific eco rules, then you aren’t doing enough for the earth.”

As creators acknowledge the privilege gap and attempt to help close it, they seem to be doing what they can to give other’s the opportunity to live eco-friendly lives. We encourage you to make the changes you can to work toward a more sustainable future.