Angelina Jolie Talks Parenting, Social Justice, and the Young Generation

Actress and humanitarian, Angelina Jolie, was recently featured in an interview with British Vogue, as she spoke on her experience with her children, as well as her encouragement of the younger generation.
Much like everyone else, Angelina Jolie has been staying at home during the pandemic. Despite being trapped inside the house, the actress has also gained more time with her six children. Having moved into a home that’s closer to their father, Jolie has been focusing on healing her family, after a rough few years. Jolie mentioned in a recent interview with British Vogue that she loves being a mom and having babies, though she also states that she was never great at traditional parenting. When she imagined being a mother, she pictured doing a lot of traveling; she couldn’t see herself in a stay-at-home mother role. Still, Jolie praises her children for working as a team.
Jolie is in the process of publishing a book along with Geraldine Van Bueren QC and Amnesty International, titled Know Your Rights (And Claim Them). When asked about this project, Jolie described young people as being engaged and willing to fight. She admires the spirit of the youth; mentioning that younger generations have always been the ones to see things with more clarity. While older people make excuses for certain actions, younger people are usually the first to call out the flaws within society. This is the audience Jolie plans on targeting with her newest book. She has always felt a strong connection to human rights and political activism.
Jolie also spoke about her environmental activism. When asked about helping her children become more socially and environmentally conscious she stated, “If we can help children feel that it’s not about duty or service or charity, but the joy of an interconnected life with people you respect, then it feels very different.”
Though Jolie has spent her time bonding with the family, she has been working diligently as always. You can see her full interview here.

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