INTERVIEW: Lindsay Watson Discusses Her New Netflix Film ‘Finding ‘Ohana,’ Growing up in Hawaii, Her Passions, and More

Lindsay Watson stars in Finding ‘Ohana, which is now streaming on Netflix.
Lindsay plays Hana Okumura and is the only cast member that was born and raised in Hawaii. Finding ‘Ohana is the perfect new film for your next family movie night, promising adventure and heart. Another recent project of the actress’ to look forward to is The Wind and The Reckoning, which will have her tackling the historical role of Pi’ilani.

Read our exclusive interview with Lindsay Watson below to find out about her acting start, new film, music favorites, 2021 goals, and more.

GLITTER: What made you want to start acting?
LINDSAY: I always watched tv when I was younger, and I was always amazed to think that those were real people on screen and it was their job to play dress up everyday! I immediately knew that I wanted to be on that screen one day, getting to play make-believe as a career. As a kid, it was my favorite to play “pretend,” and I never could’ve imagined to continue doing it as an adult. There’s something so fun about getting to step into the shoes of a character and to create a whole new world that’s so different from your real life.
GLITTER: You star in Netflix’s Finding ‘Ohana; what attracted you to the project?
LINDSAY: The moment I saw the script for this project, I was instantly intrigued. In all my years of auditioning, I had never seen a lead role for a Native Hawaiian, let alone for Netflix. As I read the script, it was very obvious to me that it was written with great respect for the real Hawaiian culture. I was informed that they had many Hawaiian culture consultants that had helped with the development of the project and that was really a selling point for me. The opportunity to tell the story of the Hawaiian culture on such a large platform was more than I could’ve ever dreamed of. And obviously, the treasure hunt was a big plus too!
GLITTER: You’re the only cast member that was born and raised in Hawaii, what did you try to bring to the project with this connection?
LINDSAY: Growing up in Hawai’i and experiencing the culture first hand honestly gave me a true advantage in the film. I was able to be a source of education for my co-stars that had little knowledge of the Hawaiian culture. They were always able to come to me if they had any questions or concerns in regards to the Hawaiian language or culture. I also made sure to be on alert the entire project to ensure we were always representing the culture correctly. If I ever felt something wasn’t right, I had a clear line of communication with my director so we could correct it right away.
GLITTER: Favorite thing about growing up in Hawaii?
LINDSAY: I think my favorite part about growing up in Hawai’i is the people. The people of Hawai’i are such loving and passionate people that live their life to serve others. They are the type of people that will give you the shirt off their back. They live their life with aloha in mind at all times. They have shaped me into the person that I am today, and I am forever grateful for the example they set for me as I grew up.
GLITTER: Are there any similarities between you and your character, Hana Okumura? Any huge differences?
LINDSAY: Honestly, Hana and I are almost the same exact person; it’s almost crazy. We are both Hawaiian girls that were raised in Hawai’i surrounded by our culture and family. We are both passionate about preserving our culture and protecting our family at any cost. We are very loving and sweet, but you definitely don’t want to cross us, or you’re going to see a very different side! We’re strong women, and we love to care for those around us. I’d say the only difference between us is that Hana hasn’t quite made the decision to leave the islands and follow her dreams, and I did, and it was so worth it!
GLITTER: The film was filmed in Oahu. What were your favorite places to go while filming?
LINDSAY: Hands down, my favorite place we shot at was Kualoa Valley. It is probably one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited, let alone filmed in. It’s such a sacred place that so many iconic movies have been shot at, and it was such an honor to have the same opportunity. It was also such a blast to film at all the beautiful beaches around the island, and I can’t forget the best part was eating malasadas at Leonard’s Bakery!
GLITTER: What can fans expect from the film and if you had to create a tagline for it, what would it be and why?
LINDSAY: Fans can expect a fun family action-adventure that is immersed in the Hawaiian culture and takes you on a journey of discovering treasure, culture, and the importance of family. You will see the Hawaiian culture like never before, all while experiencing the excitement of a secret treasure hunt! It’s like The Goonies meets Hawai’i, but with a lot more culture and family!
GLITTER: During the pandemic, you did The Wind and The Reckoning, portraying the role of Pi’ilani. What can you share about this project?
LINDSAY: I can’t talk a lot about this project, but what I can say that it was such an honor to take on the role of Pi’ilani as she is such a fearless and powerful woman. It’s extremely exciting to play a strong female lead, especially while telling such an iconic Hawaiian story. The role of Pi’ilani takes me in a very different direction from the role of Hana, which was very challenging but so exciting at the same time. You’ll see a lot more of the Hawaiian culture again, but this time it will be set in Hawai’i in the 1800s. I’m very excited for people to see it!
GLITTER: You’re very passionate about preserving our lands and oceans, what sparked this for you?
LINDSAY: From the time I was young, I was always taught to respect the ‘aina(land). It is very important to the people in Hawai’i that we take care of our land and oceans. The reason Hawai’i remains so beautiful is because our dedication to preserving our land. As I got older, I really understood the impact humans have on our land and oceans, and it was really a wake-up call to realize the damage we were doing to our earth. I believe that with some hard work and commitment, we can truly start to make a difference with all of the pollutions that are hurting our world. We are always taught in Hawai’i to leave a place better than you found it, and I think that’s a great lesson for everyone to keep in their mind to make our world a cleaner place!
GLITTER: What was a day in social isolation like for you?
LINDSAY: I’m honestly such a homebody. I love to stay in my pajamas all day and just curl up on my couch! I always start my morning with a big cup of coffee, and then I like to get my work done as early as possible, then I love to watch a good movie or tv show as a reward, lol. Then I love cleaning and organizing my house; it oddly makes me very calm and happy! Finally, I’ll do a little home workout or do an evening walk around my neighborhood and finish the night off with dinner and, of course, my guilty pleasure; a bowl of cereal for dessert.
GLITTER: Best piece of acting advice you’d give to someone wanting to join the entertainment industry?
LINDSAY: I think the best advice I could give is to not take anything too personal! In this town, you’ll hear a million no’s before you ever hear a yes, and most times, it has nothing to do with you. There are so many factors that go into making the decision for auditions and castings, and you just can’t control it all. So many actors take every “no” so personal, and it can really take a toll on your mental health, and trust me I’ve been there before. I had to realize one day that if it’s meant to be, it will happen. As long as I know, I love what I’m doing and I’m putting in 110%, then that’s all that matters, and everything beyond that is out of my hands. Everyone will tell you it’s such a tough industry, which it is, but if it’s your passion and it makes you happy, then I think it’s worth all the struggle at the end of the day.
GLITTER: Any goals for 2021?
LINDSAY: My biggest goal for 2021 is to work on more projects that tell beautiful stories and inspire me. It would be a dream to work on a dramatic piece this year and really challenge myself as an actor and really test my limits. I’d also love to start working on some music for the first time! Music is so dear to me, and I’ve always had a desire to create my own music, so maybe 2021 will be the year to finally do it. Finally, I also love to write movies and tv shows, so hopefully, I can start dipping over to creating my very own projects.
GLITTER: Last show you binge-watched that you loved?
LINDSAY: I just binge-watched Bridgerton, and I was in LOVE. I’m a sucker for a good romance, so obviously, I was obsessed with the Duke and Daphne. Shonda Rhimes is one of my idols, and I hope to create amazing work like her one day!
GLITTER: Top five movies?
LINDSAY: All-time favorite movie is 13 going on 30. I adore Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner (and would die if I got to work with them one day). Then definitely The Notebook, Love Actually, 500 Days of Summer, and Pride and Prejudice. I’m kind of a hopeless romantic if you can’t tell, lol.
GLITTER: What does your most recent playlist include?
LINDSAY: I’ve been listening to a lot of JP Saxe, Lianne La Havas, SZA, and Tanerélle (see below a ten-song handpicked playlist!)
GLITTER: Last song you listened to that you related to?
LINDSAY: I definitely related to the song “I’ll Sleep When I’m Older” by Bruno Major. Life is too short, so I’m all about living life to the fullest and having as much fun as I can while I can, because as he says, “I’ll sleep when I’m older,” lol.
GLITTER: What is your go-to song for karaoke?
LINDSAY: My go-to karaoke song is for sure “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse. Just such a fun song, and she was insanely talented.
GLITTER: Glitter has a celebrity #SelfLoveCampaign. What does self-love mean to you?
LINDSAY: I think self-love is celebrating every part of who you are, no matter if you love or hate it. It’s realizing that there is no one in the world that is just like you and that in itself makes you inherently special and one of a kind. We get so caught up in conforming to the unrealistic beauty standards in society that we often forget that being different is what makes us beautiful. The journey to self-love is not always easy, but the moment you look at yourself in the mirror and realize you were created with purpose, for a purpose. Your unique story and journey are what will make an impact on the world, so hold your head high and always remember that you are your own biggest supporter!
GLITTER: Do you have any new projects coming up that you can share?
LINDSAY: With Covid affecting our industry, I’m not currently working on any projects, but I’m looking forward to this year with the release of Finding ‘Ohana, The Wind and the Reckoning, and another film I worked on last year. Hopefully, I’ll be jumping on my next project very soon!
GLITTER: What are the best social media platforms for fans to follow you?
LINDSAY: The best place to follow me is on my Instagram: @lindsayyywatson and my Twitter: @lindsayyywatson.

Lindsay Watson’s Playlist:
“Hold It Together” – JP Saxe
“Bittersweet” – Lianne La Havas
“Marks” – Jordan Mackampa
“My Whole Life” – Alina Baraz
“True Love Way” – Kings of Leon
“Your Side” – Young the Giant
“White Roses” – Alex Aiono
“Sunrise” – Norah Jones
“All I Wanted” – Paramore
“Jealous” – Labrinth

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