Texas Governor Goes Against CDC Warnings by Lifting Mask Mandate and Fully Reopening the State

Carrington Tatum / Shutterstock

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has just announced his plans to fully reopen the state and lift the mask mandate despite the CDC’s warnings to keep restrictions in place.

The internet is in an uproar following Governor Abbott’s bold move to fully reopen Texas and do away with its mask mandate starting March 10. This comes just after CDC and health officials warned politicians to not be too quick to ease restrictions following a lower number of reported cases.

“With these new statistics, I am really worried about reports that more states are rolling back the exact public health measures we have recommended to protect people from COVID-19,” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky during Monday’s White House press briefing.

In Governor Abbott’s latest Executive Order, he decided to go against these wishes and allow all businesses to reopen to full capacity, including bars, restaurants, and gyms. There will also be no penalties for those not wearing masks in public spaces.

The governor gave the announcement during a recent Lubbock Chamber of Commerce event. “It is now time to open Texas 100%,” he said.

Governor Abbott is putting safety precautions in the hands of individuals instead of relying on their local governments to provide protection. “It’s a reminder that each person has a role to play in their own personal safety & the safety of others,” he tweeted.

Many aren’t happy with the announcement and feel it’s much too soon to lift restrictions. Doing so could put the health and lives of many at risk, which is the last thing Texas needs following its catastrophic power outage.

Governor Abbott is hopeful that vaccines will help slow the spread of the virus. Despite his hopes, Texas ranks 49th in vaccinations among all 50 states and only 6.5% of the state has been vaccinated.

Texas is now among 13 states with no mask mandates, and many fear that more states will follow suit. In spite of the backlash, there are some that are happy with the governor’s Executive Order and ready for life to start getting back to normal.

Democrats and Republicans have typically been split on how the country should address the COVID-19 pandemic. Within his first month in office, President Biden put several measures in place in an attempt to crack down on the virus, including masks requirements for traveling and a required negative COVID-19 test for those entering the US.

Although vaccines have begun rolling out, it’s still important to follow safety precautions to protect ourselves and others. If going out, wear a mask and continue social distancing to help stop the spread of the virus.