Serena Williams Defends Her ‘Selfless Friend’ Meghan Markle After Oprah Winfrey Interview

The tennis superstar, Serena Williams took to social media in support of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry after the two-hour-long sit-down aired with Oprah Winfrey on CBS News.
Joe Pugliese / Harpo Productions / CBS

The tennis superstar, Serena Williams showed support for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry after the two-hour-long sit-down aired with Oprah Winfrey on CBS News on Sunday, March 7.

The tennis superstar, Serena Williams took to social media in support of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry after the two-hour-long sit-down aired with Oprah Winfrey on CBS News.
Tinseltown / Shutterstock

The jaw-dropping interview was the first since the royal couple has stepped away from their royal duties last year. In the interview, they explained what was going on behind the scenes and the lack of support they experienced from the royal family which detrimentally impacted Markle’s mental health. She even shared there were times she had thoughts of self-harm. While many people were left speechless, Williams came to Markle’s defense by sharing how she understands what she is going through and is there for her.

Williams took to Twitter on March 7 to share a public statement where she started off by saying, “Meghan Markle, my selfless friend, lives her life — and leads by example — with empathy and compassion. She teaches me every day what it means to be truly noble. Her words illustrate the pain and cruelty she’s experienced.”

Williams specifically addressed the news that the royal couple has faced in the British media regarding racism, she wrote, “I know first hand the sexism and racism institutions and the media use to vilify women and people of color to minimize us, to break us down and demonize us.” 

During the interview, Markle elaborated on how when it came to the birth of their son inappropriate “concerns” about the color of his skin took place. Markle stated, “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he was born”.

In light of the eye-opening interview, the couple revealed to Oprah they will be expecting a baby girl in the summer. In regards to their daughter, Williams who has a 3-year-old daughter of her own added “I want Meghan’s daughter, my daughter, and your daughter to live in a society that is driven by respect”.

The tennis pro concluded her heartfelt post by saying, “Keep in your memory the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law”.

After Williams expressed her support for her friend on Twitter fans have shown appreciation for the friendship between the two.

Markle and Williams have had an ongoing friendship over the years. The two have been seen together supporting one another, Markle has even attended Williams tennis matches.

To watch the full CBS interview on the royal couple click here.