New York City Now Requires Vaccination Proof to Enter All Indoor Businesses

To reduce COVID-19 cases, New York City is taking the initiative to enforce vaccination proof when entering indoor businesses. In places like the gym and restaurants, patrons will encounter new guidelines and regulations to continue participating in their favorite indoor activities.
Allen.G / Shutterstock

To reduce COVID-19 cases, New York City is taking the initiative to enforce vaccination proof when entering indoor businesses. In places like the gym and restaurants, patrons will encounter new guidelines and regulations to continue participating in their favorite indoor activities.

Making the news official on August 3, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that “participate in society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated.” If anyone in NYC wishes to attend indoor concerts, performances, indoor dining, or indoor gyms, you will need to be vaccinated to enjoy life, as many remember it. Mayor de Blasio made it clear that these new requirements are a “lifesaving mandate” the new enforcements are a large part of helping to keep the city safe and the cases down in the city.

CNN reports that “The city’s move comes as businesses across Corporate America begin rolling out vaccine requirements for employees, and in some cases for customers and clients to show their proof of vaccination as well.” As more businesses make it a recommendation or requirement for employees and customers, being vaccinated to enter places is slowly becoming a normal site in stores and restaurants. In addition to restaurants and stores, Broadway has also made it clear that they will require vaccinations through October, as reported by the New York Times. With New York at a little of 3% in their COVID-19 positivity rates and 75 hospitalizations, the increase in vaccinated citizens could help make these numbers even lower.

The CDC made its recent announcement recommending fully vaccinated people still wear masks in indoor settings, which could also help keep New York City safe and thriving. COVID-19 was quite rampant throughout New York City for a while, as it was once a major hotspot for cases and hospitalizations during 2020. With the increase in vaccines and major lockdowns in the large city, cases and COVID-19 numbers have gotten much lower citywide. The mayor of New York finished his remarks regarding the new policy by reminding citizens of New York to wear masks if unvaccinated and enforcing the new CDC recommendation for vaccinated individuals.

Watch Mayor de Blasio’s announcement from City Hall above regarding indoor activities during the pandemic and other important information.