New Pamela Anderson Netflix Documentary is Underway

Put your red one-piece on and blow your whistles because Pamela Anderson is ready to tell the world her story in a new Netflix documentary.
Carmelo Redondo

Put your red one-piece on and blow your whistles because Pamela Anderson is ready to tell the world her story in a new Netflix documentary.

Netflix announced in a tweet Wednesday that they would be putting out a documentary about the Baywatch star, Pamela Anderson. The streaming service stated that this film will set “the record straight as she looks back on her professional path and her personal journey.” This documentary has been in the works for quite some time.

Additionally, Netflix posted a note by the blond bombshell which writes, “My life: A thousand imperfections, a million misperceptions,” The inspiring note went on, “Wicked, wild, and lost. Nothing to live up to. I can only surprise you — not a victim, but a survivor and alive to tell the real story.” This announcement comes after the Hulu biopic series Pam and Tommy release, which followed the tumultuous relationship between her and Mötley Crüe drummer, Tommy Lee, amidst the leak of a private video.

The Barbwire actress made it very clear she disapproved of this limited series. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, a source close to Anderson stated that she “will never, ever watch this. Not even years from now. Not even the trailer.”

Unlike the Pam and Tommy series, which stars Lily James and Sebastian Stan, Anderson will be giving her input into her own narrative. This news leaves many fans elated that they will finally be getting the story from Anderson’s perspective.

We can only hope that this documentary will shed light on her activism, instead of the other aspects of Anderson’s life that Pam and Tommy’s showrunners focused on. Her foundation has been highly charitable with various animal rights and human trafficking prevention organizations.