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Tom Felton Shares His Secret Love For Emma Watson

In his new memoir, Tom Felton shares his secret love for co-star Emma Watson, in what started as a friendship eventually grew much deeper.
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

In his new memoir, Tom Felton shares his secret love for co-star Emma Watson, in what started as a friendship eventually grew much deeper.

Harry Potter actor Tom Felton has released his new memoir, Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard, opening up about his feelings towards co-star Emma Watson.

As previously leaked by Watson, the actress saw Felton as her soulmate.

“For more than 20 years now we’ve loved each other in a special way, and I’ve lost count of the times people have said to me, ‘You must have drunkenly made out, just once!’ ‘You must have kissed!”There must be something!’ But what we have is far deeper than that. It’s one of the purest loves I can think of.”

The actress then went on to state, “We’re soulmates, and we’ve always had each other’s backs.”

As if Watson hadn’t made it clear enough, Felton has released his point of view in his new memoir. Felton’s memoir shares the start of the two’s friendship on set and the eventual spark between them.

The Harry Potter actor was constantly in character on set and often found himself to be snappy and rude towards Emma, even when the scenes had ended. “My relationship with Emma did not start well. She’d have been forgiven for not wanting much to do with me.” Felton recalls as he thinks back to their first interactions.

Though Felton started off teasing his co-star, he soon found his affection towards Watson had grown. “I’ve always had a secret love for Emma, though not perhaps in the way that people might want to hear,” he recalls, “that isn’t to say there’s never been sparks between us.”

Watson’s feelings towards Felton have been known and well-documented for quite some time. Felton, however, has been denying his feelings since he was 15 years old. “I denied that I liked her that way, but the truth was different.”

Though Felton kept his feelings out of the public eye, fans and the media were quick to catch onto the spark between the two. “My girlfriend at the time knew straight away there was something unspoken between us.”

While both Felton and Watson admit their love for one another, their relationship goes deeper than romance. Felton finished by sharing, “I don’t think I was ever in love with Emma, but I loved and admired her as a person in a way I could never explain to anyone else…. We are kindred spirits.”

Fans can check out Tom Felton’s memoir here.