Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani's jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.



Alighieri Debuts New Homeware Collection

Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani's jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.

Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani’s jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.

Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani's jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.

The designer was born in London and then raised in Zambia. She attended Oxford University to study French and Italian literature and became infatuated with Dante’s Divine Comedy. Mahtani has no formal training in jewelry making. However, she used her previous knowledge and inspirations to create pieces that intrigue those who look upon them.

Many of her designs are sophisticated and tactical with medallions and pendants that elevate the design. During London’s Fall 2020 Fashion Week toast, she received the Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design. Mahtani was 2020’s honoree and accepted the award from Princess Anne.

Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani's jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.

The designer compares the ceremonial feeling of wearing jewelry to setting a table. She states, “Those rituals are like putting on an Alighieri Lion Medallion necklace in the morning for strength and courage, or taking off your jewelry at the end of the day and placing it on a counter.”

The houseware collection, also known as Alighieri Casa, consists of pebble-shape candlestick holders, curvaceous cutlery sets inspired by hulks of rock and tribal hunting tools, bottle openers in the shape of sea creatures, and small dishes that resemble liquid shards of gold.

Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani's jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.

The pieces have a prehistoric, ritualistic feel to them. Mahtani hopes that, because of this, people will buy these pieces and use them as heirlooms to pass down in the same sentiment that jewelry is.

Certified cool girl Rosh Mahtani's jewelry brand, Alighieri, is bringing aesthetic to the dinner table with the release of its homeware collection. This project has been a long-time dream come true for Mahtani.

Treat yourself to some of Alighieri’s beautiful products for your kitchen and closet.