

Gladiator 2: Ridley Scott Teases Thrilling Action in New Interview

Prepare to be entertained. Ridley Scott, director of 'Gladiator 2,' promises colossal action sequences for the upcoming film.

Prepare to be entertained. Ridley Scott, director of Gladiator 2, promises colossal action sequences for the upcoming film. 

Prepare to be entertained. Ridley Scott, director of 'Gladiator 2,' promises colossal action sequences for the upcoming film.

Two weeks ago, the trailer for Gladiator 2 dropped, giving fans a taste of the exciting sequel to the original 2000 film. In a new interview with Empire, Scott, director of other action-packed films such as Napoleon and, of course, Gladiator, guarantees that the upcoming film will up the ante with fight scenes that are more thrilling than ever. 

“We begin the film with probably the biggest action sequence I’ve ever done,” the Kingdom Of Heaven director reveals. “Probably bigger than anything in Napoleon.” For reference, Scott’s 2023 film, Napoleon, featured a whopping six battle sequences, each more bloody and breathtaking than the last.

Set twenty years after the events of the original film, Gladiator 2 follows Lucius, portrayed by Paul Mescal. After the tyrannical emperors of Rome conquer his home, Lucius is forced into the coliseum; now, he must seek revenge for his uncle’s murder of Maximus, fighting for his own freedom and for the fate of Rome itself.

A star-studded cast, including Denzel Washington, Joseph Quinn, and Pedro Pascal, joins Mescal on the set of the sequel to the five-time Academy Award-winning film.

Though it is hard to tell at present what the action sequences in the new film will look like, one detail is for sure: in the arena, Lucius will face off against a terrifying rhino. In the Empire interview, Scott describes all the moving parts that go into building the intimidating predator.

“Computerization and AI — you have to embrace it. I can have a computer read every molecule and wrinkle on a rhino and then cut it on a thick piece of plastic, absolutely as a rhino’s body, which is then tailored to a skeleton shape,” the Robin Hood director explains.

Marveling at the magic of modern special effects, Scott remarks, “I have this thing that can do 40 miles an hour, spin on the spot, wag its head, and snarl. A two-ton rhino with a guy on its back! I mean, it’s a lot of fun.”

Ridley Scott’s Gladiator 2 premieres in theaters on November 22. Readers can check out the trailer below.