

Bob Dylan Experts Praise Timothée Chalamet in A Complete Unknown

Following the release of the first trailer for 'A Complete Unknown,' Bob Dylan experts weigh in on the film and Timothée Chalamet's performance.

Following the release of the first trailer for A Complete Unknown, Bob Dylan experts weigh in on the film and Timothée Chalamet’s performance.

Following the release of the first trailer for 'A Complete Unknown,' Bob Dylan experts weigh in on the film and Timothée Chalamet's performance.

Last week, the first trailer for A Complete Unknown dropped, eliciting strong reactions from musical historians and casual viewers alike. Initially, Dylan’s super-fans received news of the biopic with skepticism, concerned about the casting of Chalamet as the legendary musician. 

Now that the trailer is out, “Dylanologists,” as they call themselves, have grown more optimistic. They are impressed with the set and Chalamet’s singing and acting prowess. Earlier today, Variety sat down with several Dylan scholars and asked their thoughts on the new trailer.

Many of the Dylanologists interviewed described how, before the first trailer was released, there was “a readiness to be disappointed” and “a lot of mockery” among Dylan fans.

Now, according to Craig Danuloff, the host of Dylan.FM website and podcast, “about 90% of the fans on Twitter…are very positive about the trailer.” Dylan experts praised Chalamet’s portrayal of the musician, stating that the Dune actor “has Dylan’s mannerisms down.” 

“The way he strums, the way his right hand is moving on the strings, is perfect,” remarked Anne Margaret Daniel, music writer and professor teaching a Bob Dylan class at The New School. “He’s obviously watched a lot of footage of Bob performing.”

Laura Tenschert, host of the Definitely Dylan podcast, added that Chalamet “does a good job avoiding the standard Bob Dylan impression and goes for something more genuine.”

Scholars marveled at the film’s set design, noting its “period detail and accuracy.” “What got me excited was seeing these famous places from Dylan lore recreated like that,” commented Ray Padgett, author of Pledging My Time: Conversations With Bob Dylan Band Members. “Seeing Cafe Wha? and the street scenes of the Village in the ’60s…the period piece of it all.”

Experts also acknowledged that the biopic will introduce Dylan’s music to a whole new generation regardless of its quality. “I think the film is a really exciting opportunity for new people to discover Bob Dylan as an artist,” Tenschert expressed. “A film like this is a great opportunity for people to connect with what is charismatic about him and what is special about him.”

A Complete Unknown hits theaters this December. Readers can check out the trailer below.