

Millie Bobby Brown Plans to Shave Head Upon New Chapter

Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown will bid farewell to the series soon, but as she embarks on a new chapter, she plans to keep a part of her character with her.

Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown will bid farewell to the series soon, but as she embarks on a new chapter, she plans to keep a part of her character with her.

On a recent episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast, host Alex Cooper asked the actress how she felt about shaving her head, to which Brown expressed she “loved” the experience and is looking to do it again.

“I always tell Jake for my first baby, I wanna shave my hair off,” she shared. “I don’t know. I just feel like it was really liberating. Would suggest it for anyone, any girl.”

When Cooper presses Brown to confirm that she would indeed shave her head for her first baby, the actress shares her reasons for wanting to do it—and reveals when she would go through with it.

“Maybe like right before I’m about to give birth. Because I just think hair is such an ordeal anyway to deal with,” Brown noted, she just wants to “nurture” her baby.

“Why deal with my hair? I think it’s such a liberating experience, like to be a woman is, and I felt like I had that experience as a girl, but I’d like to have that experience as a woman.”

She explained that shaving her hair for season 1 of Stranger Things felt exciting at first, but as she reached ages 11 and 12 and boys started developing crushes on girls, she began to wonder why no one seemed to like her in that way, leading to insecurity.

However, committed to her role, she had to shave her head every three days since she wasn’t allowed to let it grow beyond a certain length—and eventually, she started relying on wigs.

This isn’t the first time the actress has expressed her interest in motherhood. Not too long ago, she stated on the Smartless podcast, “My mom actually had her first child at 21, and my dad was 19. And you know, it’s been my thing since before I met Jake,” she stated. “Since I was a baby, I told my mom, like, baby dolls. I wanted to be a mom just like the way my mom was to me.”

The star went on to mention that she and her husband intend to have a big family, as they both grew up in households with four kids.

Check out the full episode of Call Her Daddy here.