Two Republican Senators are Hoping that their Newest DREAMer Bills “succeeds”
GOP Senators Orrin Hatch and James Lankford brought a potential solution to the Senate floor today regarding DREAMers.
The conservative plan, known as the SUCCEED act, would create a fifteen-year process that would allow children of undocumented immigrants to become American citizens.
The act would apply to anyone who was under the age of 16 when Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program went into effect. It would require every immigrant to not only hold a high school degree, but also pass a criminal background check and pay back any back owed taxes. If an individual passes this portion of the process, they are given “conditional permanent residence”.
For the 10 years that they hold this status, immigrants must obtain a college degree, serve in the military for three years, or hold a steady job. Only after this 10-year period may a DREAMer obtain a green card. DREAMers will be able to apply for citizenship after five years of holding their green card.
Under the Republican plan, parents of undocumented children will be unable to gain citizenship even if their child obtains theirs through the SUCCEED act.
The bill comes weeks after President Trump pulled the plug on DACA, leaving thousands of DREAMers fearing deportation in the near future. Though Trump had mentioned not looking for a citizenship option for DREAMers, Republicans clearly have had other plans.
Photo/ Instagram: @gigihadid