New Healthcare Mandate Won’t Require Employers to Cover Birth Control

The administration has overturned the rule on Obama’s birth control mandate for employers, and is now allowing for religious exemptions.The mandate will include both for profit and non- profit businesses, along with insurance companies who for religious beliefs feel it is wrong to offer women access to contraceptives through their benefits package.

Department of Human Health Services secretary, Caitlin Oakley, in a press statement today said, “”No American should be forced to violate his or her own conscience in order to abide by the laws and regulations governing our healthcare system.”

The controversy over covering birth control and it going against religious beliefs was a hot topic back in 2014, when the openly Christian crafts company, Hobby Lobby, believed their religious freedoms were being infringed upon by having to follow the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive requirement. In a close 5- 4 ruling, the Supreme Court sided with Hobby Lobby.

During Obama’s presidency, the senate tried passing a similar mandate called the Blunt Amendment in 2014, but it did not pass in a 51- 48 vote.

If religious liberties allow for a company not to provide birth control to female employees, will this ruling now allow for changes down the road referring to the wedding industry and denying services to gay couples on the basis of religious beliefs?

Photo/ Instagram: @plannedparenthood