William Anderson of Parachute Covers Camila Cabello’s “Havana”

The pop group from Charlottesville, Virginia is best known for their hit single “She is Love.”However, people not following the band are missing out on some serious good covers the band has done. From Lorde’s “Royals” to Selena Gomez’s “Come and Get It,” lead singer William Anderson has a wicked vocal range.

He’s also a pop music junkie, as any follower of the band’s Twitter realizes reading their tweets (also, can we talk about how relatable these guys are?!).


As you can tell, Anderson is definitely a teenage girl stuck in a 30-year-old man’s body- but we aren’t complaining! Especially after the latest post he made on Instagram, where fans get a glimpse of the singer belting out Camila Cabello’s  smash hit “Havana” earlier this week.

William Anderson can do no wrong in our books! Though the band just recently wrapped up its fall tour, from the looks of social media updates the band is currently working on songs for its next album. Hopefully, they take a couple more breaks along the way to give us more of these covers!

What did you think of Anderson’s take on the song?

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