Megyn Kelly Hosts Three of Trump’s Accusers on Her Show
The newest NBC anchor and the current president of the United States have quite the tumultuous history between one another.
Beginning back in 2015 at the first Republican presidential debate, Kelly asked then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump about his Twitter usage and his misogynistic comments. “You once told a contestant on ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president,” Kelly fired at Trump.
This was the beginning of a bitter battle between the two, as it led to Trump’s infamous interview with CNN where he said, “there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”
Megyn set the record straight on the 9 o’clock hour of Megyn Kelly Today on Monday, as three women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and harassment came forward with their own stories of abuse.
Each woman’s experience varied, but was equally disturbing when considering their abuser became their president.
Jessica Leeds, a woman who was groped by the President while on a flight, recalled seeing Trump after the event at a gala where he referred to her as a c**t.
Former pageant participant Samantha Holvey remembered Trump walking into the girls’ dressing rooms and inspecting them. She told Kelly, “I was just simply there for his pleasure. It left me feeling very gross, very dirty.”
A former Trump Tower receptionist sat down with the women as well. Back in 2005, Rachel Crooks recalled the president kissing her on the mouth without her permission, and then proceeding to ask for her phone number.
“It was heartbreaking last year. We’re private citizens and for us to put ourselves out there to try and show America who this man is and how he views women, and for them to say ‘Eh, we don’t care,’ it hurt,” Holvey told Kelly in regards to coming forward with her story and the fact that Trump was still elected president last November.
The White House released a statement after the interviews aired, stating, “The timing and absurdity of these false claims speaks volumes and the publicity tour that has begun only further confirms the political motives behind them.”