Nick Jonas Joins Dr. Grimshaw on BBC Radio 1


This Jonas Brother joined Grimmy on his segment “Heart Rate Monitor.”Nick Jonas made his way to The Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw to feature in his famous “Heart Rate Monitor” segment featuring a full stage set up. The video released earlier this week addressed some topics all JoBros fans are still dying to know about- including Nick’s past relationships with Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez.

All hooked up on medical equipment, the star has to resist the urge to get excited and is actually forced to watch his heart rate climb and fall right before his eyes. With videos sent in by his brother and DNCE frontman Joe Jonas and ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, Nick shares a lot more about his younger self. From real dates in Central Park to imaginary dragons rides with Game of Thrones’ characters, the “Find You” singer tells all.

However, this wasn’t the first time stars have been publicly humiliated with the help of medical technology on the morning show. You can see Radio 1’s Grimmy strap Harry Styles and Rebel Wilson for the same kind of fun.