Keke Palmer Opens up About Skin Insecurities

Charles Sykes/Bravo

Keke Palmer talks about her insecurities on dealing with adult acne in a world where every picture has a filter on it.

Keke Palmer, a co-host of Strahan Sara & Keke, may be confident in front of a camera, but she still encounters the same beauty struggles as everyone else. Palmer has opened up about dealing with adult acne and how it can make her feel insecure.

Recently on Instagram, she became vulnerable and more open about her skin. She shared how some days she wakes up in a terrible mood just because of how her skin looks. She goes on to discuss how exhausting trial and error/using different skincare products can be.


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This is a happy picture of me and my loved ones. I’m trying to channel the energy I had in this photo because I woke up this morning in the worst spirit you guys , all because of my skin… It’s like you can try everything(which I have) and still nothing works. Every time I think my skin is on the up and up I turn around and I’m broken out even worse than before. Scarred up and wondering which products I have to throw out if not ALL. Feeling completely insecure which in turn makes you irritable and just self conscious for the smallest reasons. I just thought to share because I know I’m not alone and people always try to cheer you up or say you look beautiful which makes it worse because that’s not how YOU FEEL. Then you feel bad about feeling bad smh. But, I think it’s okay to feel those things and to let yourself be for a minute. I’m only human and everyday I’m gonna roll with the punches but some days I will get the air knocked out of me. Gonna keep going though! Cause that’s how I was built. Much love 💕

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However, this is not the first time she has been transparent about her struggle with acne. On Strahan, Sara & Keke, Palmer shared a story about how Tyler Perry helped pay for a dermatologist visit. She recalled a time when she was around 13 and Perry noticed how insecure she had been. She shared that he pulled her mom aside and said, “I’m actually going to pay for you guys to take her to a dermatologist.”

Make sure to keep up with Keke Palmer and all the self-love she promotes.