Debbie Allen Teaches Dance Class From Instagram

Mike Rosenthal/ABC

To promote health and staying active while practicing social isolation, Debbie Allen is offering free dance classes on Instagram.

The best way to keep your body active while all the gyms are closing and more people are isolating is to work out at home. Many people are resorting to at home activities to maintain their bodies and prepare for the summer weather. Just in time, Debbie Allen has been offering free dance classes via Instagram to her followers and more.

Allen also has exponential experience in the dancing world. Some of the work she’s done was for the musical-drama television series Fame that ran on TV around the early 80s. She played the principal choreographer in the series. During her time playing that role, she received a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy. Now, she works as a director and producer for Grey’s Anatomy.

You can join Debbie Allen too when she announces her next dance session.