Ashton Kutcher Gets Emotional Over ‘All Lives Matter’ Comment


Actor Ashton Kutcher posted a powerful video on Instagram explaining why the term “All Lives Matter” is missing the point.
The star held back tears taking the time to educate those who responded “All Lives Matter” on his posts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.



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understanding why saying ‘all lives matter’ is missing the point. #blacklivesmatter

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So, on Saturday, I posted a blackout of my social media channels and just posted ‘BLM’ and a lot of folks responded, ‘All lives matter.’ “And I want to talk about that a little bit because I don’t think the people that are posting ‘All lives matter’ should be canceled. I think they should be educated,” said Kutcher.

Ashton continued explaining an incident this past week where he gave his children a lesson on diversity and inclusivity.

Kutcher closed the point of his post with “I think what folks that are writing ‘All Lives Matter’ need to understand is that for some people black lives don’t matter at all,” Kutcher said. “So for us, black lives matter. So, while you may have the best intentions in saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ remember, for some people, black lives don’t matter at all.”


Ashton took the time to educate his followers and many of his fans were enlightened by his wise words. Thank you Ashton for not staying silent and using your influence positively.

For more information on how to become educated and show support for the Black Lives Matter Movement, visit Blacklivesmatter.