Join Fans in Celebrating Ariana Grande’s Birthday


Superstar and Grammy winner Ariana Grande celebrates her 27th birthday on June 26.

The day before her birthday, Grande posted a selfie on Twitter with the caption, “Almost 27” and fans completely swarmed it. The post has over 500,000 likes and continues to grow by the minute.

Once midnight hit, Grande’s fans, the Arianators, decided to get #HappyBirthdayAriana and #HappyBirthdayArianaGrande trending on twitter. They all posted memorable moments they shared with Grande, along with why they love her so much.

Other fan bases have also joined in wishing Grande a happy birthday, especially Mariah Carey’s fans, the Lambs, and Nicki Minaj’s fans, the Barbs.

Some fans even decided to create a mashup of Carey and Grande’s vocals for the occasion and even held a watch party for it.

Although the night is still young and we haven’t seen much from the superstar, make sure to keep Grande’s post notifications on to see the exciting plans she has for her birthday.