United Talent Agency Will Donate $1 Million To Social Justice Causes


United Talent Agency (UTA) is committed to donating $1 million over the course of four years to help benefit social justice causes and organizations.

UTA has joined other Hollywood companies and reevaluated its business practices and leadership in the wake of protests to help make positive changes in the Black community. The protests have already made Juneteenth an annual paid holiday. This donation will add to efforts to positively impact social and racial injustice.

UTA is still deciding on which organizations will receive their financial support, but their decisions will be finalized within the coming weeks. Change can’t happen overnight, but with continued efforts and initiatives over the next four years, UTA is holding itself accountable to pursue long-lasting changes.

Change must also occur within companies, as well. Some internal initiatives UTA plans to execute are to increase pay for entry-level positions, train all colleagues on unconscious bias, increase representation of people of color for senior-level and other positions, and include senior agents of color.

UTA is striving to make sure people of color are represented more within the company and are considered for all job opportunities available. An internal Leadership Council will also be formed. This council will be a diverse team of colleagues from all levels who will overlook and influence company policy and culture.

To read their strong vision of supporting the Black community and creating a diverse company, check out their Instagram post below.