Lennon Stella Is Releasing an Alternate Version of Her Latest Album, ‘Three. Two. One.’

Insanity Records

Lennon Stella released teasers earlier this week that she has created an alternate version EP for her latest album Three. Two. One.

The singer excited her fans by first sharing a picture of the EP cover and then following it up with special sound clips. Three. Two. One. was a major album for the young artist, and she revealed a lot of her inner self with the world through her beautifully crafted songs. The news that she also created different versions of her brilliant work made fans jaws drop to the floor.

The alternate versions will not fail to impress as they are just as unique and heartfelt as Stella’s original versions. The EP consists of six alternate versions, including songs such as “Pretty Boy” and “Fear of Being Alone.” Four of the tracks are acoustic versions giving off different vibes than the original pop sound Stella’s listeners are used to. It will also include a live version of “Golf On TV,” featuring JP Saxe and a Dyrtybryd remix version of “Goodnight.”


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it’s out!!!! love you guys, love these songs, and so stoked to have these versions floatin around ❤️

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The alternate EP for Three. Two. One. is worth the listen, so get to your streaming platform and indulge now. Stay up to date with all things Lennon Stella @lennonstella on Instagram and Twitter.