New Netflix Series About Quarantine ‘Social Distance’ in the Works

Press Line Photos/Shutterstock

The Orange Is the New Black team has been working to create a new series about quarantine, during the quarantine.

Many things have been put on hold, or to a complete stop, due to the COVID-19 virus and quarantine regulations, including the production of many films and series. This has encouraged many creators to get inventive and dive into a new normal of what entertainment and it’s production can entail.

The team behind the popular Netflix series Orange Is the New Black is creating an all-new series: a scripted anthology called Social Distance. This show will focus on the experiences and feelings of the characters, and how quarantine has affected them individually.

There has recently been a video announcing the cast of the upcoming series. Actors such as Danielle Brooks, Guillermo Diaz, Oscar Nunez, Asante Blackk and Mike Colter will be featured along with real-life family members of the actors. Broadway alumni Kylie Liya Page, Will Meyers, Niles Fitch and Ava Demary will be joining the cast as well. Watch it below.

The creation and production of the series have been done on uncharted territory, as none of the actors or members of the show’s team have worked together physically in person. The actors and producers are filming themselves and working within their respective homes. The restricting nature of these circumstances must require a lot of creativity from the team.

There has yet to be a release date, but the cast list alone is quite exciting. This historical series will surely be relatable in many ways to its viewers and may portray a story similar to their own. It will be a good reminder that we are not alone in these new and uncertain times.