The Late Chadwick Boseman’s Movie, ’42’, Will Be Returning to Theaters

Warner Bros. Picture

In around 750 locations nation-wide, theaters will be playing the 2013 film 42 where the late Chadwick Boseman portrays Jackie Robinson.

After his tragic death on August 28, 2020, from battling colon cancer for the past four years. Tickets cost $5 and go on sale Tuesday and theaters open on Thursday. This was Boseman’s first lead role. This gesture honors his life and legacy and allows fans to mourn his death.

Jackie Robinson was the first African American baseball player to play Major League Baseball starting in 1947.

Coincidently, Boseman died on ‘Jackie Robinson Day’ which is when the MBL honors Robinson. It usually takes place on Aug. 15, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was postponed a bit. During the Los Angeles Dodgers game on this day, Boseman’s death was announced to a stadium full of people wearing the number 42 to honor Robinson.


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Most people will remember @chadwickboseman for his role in the @blackpanther movie. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great movie. But, I will always remember him for his role in 42. It is a truly iconic movie about the struggle of dealing with racism. But, it’s such a positive movie about staying true, and strong. Showing the people that are negative towards you that you will always do the right thing. Eventually, people will follow their hearts and also do what is right. RIP Chadwick Boseman, my thoughts and prayers are with your family. P.s If you have never seen 42, please do. It really is an inspirational movie. #chadwickboseman #ripchadwickboseman #blackpanther #42movie #42 #pray #rip

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Boseman’s costar, Harrison Ford, was one of the many celebrities who shared their feelings about the passing of Boseman.

“Chadwick Boseman was as compelling, powerful, and truthful as the characters he chose to play,” Ford said to The Hollywood Reporter. “His intelligence, personal dignity, and deep commitment inspired his colleagues and elevated the stories he told. He is as much a hero as any he played. He is loved and will be deeply missed.”

Boseman brought many movies to our screens and his death is mourned by the world. He was especially important to the African American community because of his role model and leader qualities. He will be dearly missed, but his legacy will live on in the multitude of movies he has left behind.