INTERVIEW: Avori Henderson Talks Stereotypes, Being a Female in the Gaming Space, Styles By Avori, and Her Process for Creating Content

Avori Henderson is making herself known by breaking all stereotypes as a female professional gamer in a male-dominated industry.

Henderson is a female trailblazer in the world of gaming, encouraging and empowering other women to embrace their love for gaming despite the stereotypes against females in the space. Avori also models and gained fans as she began to share her gaming skills online. This led her to run the first-ever all-female PUBG Tournament that was professionally broadcasted. The tournament raised over $5,000 to charities including FredHutch and Children’s Miracle Network. She served as the host, creator, and director of the tournament. Using her platform to give back has always been a big priority for Henderson with charities benefitting children being at the forefront of her efforts.

On top of all that, she has also launched her own clothing line this year, Styles By Avori. From her years of modeling, she learned what clothing is most flattering for women and used that knowledge to create her own designs at an affordable price. Avori also created a unique web design that allows anyone to customize entire outfits based on recommendations carefully selected by Avori herself. Read our exclusive interview with Avori Henderson below to find out more about the gaming space, how she got into gaming, advice to females wanting to go into a male-dominated industry, her clothing line, and more.

GLITTER: Tell us about the gaming space.
AVORI: The gaming space is a very unique industry that has the potential to be as big as NFL or MLB. The gaming audience is vast and growing very quickly. I’m really happy to be a part of the beginnings of the industry!
GLITTER: At what age did you get into gaming?
AVORI: I always played games as a kid, but I never got into professional gaming until the age of 21.
GLITTER: Was there someone that introduced you to gaming?
AVORI: My fiancé plays video games professionally, and he introduced me to the entire industry.
GLITTER: What does it mean to you to be a professional female in the gaming space?
AVORI: I have the unique opportunity to set the industry standard for women as the gaming industry grows. I am really happy to be placed in this position and to be able to fight pre-existing and outdated stereotypes.
GLITTER: What advice do you have for any female wanting to go into a male-dominated industry?
AVORI: Just remember that no matter what you do, sometimes there are just people out to fight against your success. Your success should never be measured by the perception of others, but rather by your own standards you set for yourself.
GLITTER: What is your favorite thing about gaming?
AVORI: I love that I can meet people from all around the world. Despite speaking different languages, having different cultures, religions, and skin colors, we can all bond over the love of gaming.
GLITTER: What is your process for creating content?
AVORI: Great content creators constantly consume content. I always have a planner while I’m consuming content to put my ideas down and then execute those ideas as best as I can!
GLITTER: Where do you currently live, and what’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
AVORI: I live in Colorado, and my favorite thing to do is climb, hike, and spend time with my dogs!
GLITTER: What do you hate most about stereotypes? How can people rise above stereotypes?
AVORI: The best way to rise above it is to lead by example. There are stereotypes about everything and everyone. The best way to fight it is to show that it isn’t true through actions and words!
GLITTER: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
AVORI: Don’t ever let anyone tell you who you are. The industry puts a lot of pressure on you to be a certain way due to the fact that everyone has opinions that pressure into being and behaving in certain ways. Don’t give in to that, be who you are, and do what makes you proud of yourself.
GLITTER: When did you start modeling? What inspired you to start modeling?
AVORI: I always admired fashion from a young age, and I started modeling at age 16 due to my love of fashion and the industry surrounding it.
GLITTER: Has a fan ever said anything that stuck with or inspired you?
AVORI: Every day, I have a fan that comments on my posts with kindness or sends me an inspirational DM. I’m really lucky to have such kind and supportive fans!
GLITTER: You ran the first-ever all-female PUBG Tournament that was professionally broadcasted. Tell us about that. The tournament raised over $5,000 to charities including FredHutch and Children’s Miracle Network. What did that mean to you?
AVORI: It makes me so happy to be able to use my following and my platform to bring people together for something good. I actually have a person in my community who has terminal cancer, and I just really hope we can find a cure for cancer very soon.
GLITTER: Why do you feel so passionately about encouraging and empowering women to embrace their love for gaming? How does it feel to be able to give back to charities?
AVORI: I feel like my life is not fulfilled by success unless my success is able to be used in a way to help others. I could work hard to get good at something all day, like scamming and make money off of it. But for me personally, I am so proud that not only do I work hard at something and find success doing it, but then I can use that success to help others feel like they belong and use it to raise money for charities I really believe in.
GLITTER: You launched a clothing line this year, Styles By Avori. How did that come about? Do you have a favorite piece from the clothing line?
AVORI: When I took on gaming full time, I completely stopped modeling. Over the years, I really started to miss my passion for fashion and modeling and decided to launch my own like in an attempt to bring that passion back in my life and empower women through sophisticated and business-like clothing.

GLITTER: What message do you hope to give others with your clothing line?
AVORI: I want people to feel like a BOSS. Like they are in charge of their own life and their own success. To own their mistakes and thrive off of their success!
GLITTER: You have a unique web design that allows anyone to customize entire outfits based on recommendations carefully curated by you. How did you come up with that, and why did you want to do it?
AVORI: I noticed that confidence can certainly come from within, but also confidence can be created when someone you trust can guide you into “looking the part.” I wanted to help women who don’t know as much about the industry to feel like they “look the part” and make them feel empowered to get their BOSS on!
GLITTER: How do you stay healthy and fit?
AVORI: I have weekly workout routines that I follow regularly so that I can stay fit after gaming long hours!
GLITTER: Favorite beauty products?
AVORI: I have a vitamin C oil that I use on my skin! I love a good skincare routine!
GLITTER: Favorite game to play?
GLITTER: Favorite comedy to watch?
AVORI: I don’t really watch comedy. I’m more into sci-fi.
GLITTER: Last TV series you binge-watched?
AVORI: Umbrella Academy.
GLITTER: Favorite way to relax?
AVORI: Listening to Bethel Music and sipping a coffee or tea in the morning!
GLITTER: Was there anything you got to do this quarantine that you didn’t have time for before?
AVORI: Starting my clothing line!
GLITTER: Did you learn anything about yourself during this quarantine?
AVORI: I learned how much I miss going to events and meeting fans. There’s something about the personal connection with fans that I just miss so much!
GLITTER: How important do you think it is for voters to get out and vote this election?
AVORI: Extremely, but I don’t like to get into politics.
GLITTER: If you could travel anywhere in the world for a special occasion, where would it be and why?
AVORI: I am actually going to Dubai next month, and I am so excited I can barely stand it! I am going to educate myself on middle eastern culture and collaborate with other content creators there!
GLITTER: Do you have any hidden talents?
AVORI: Nothing crazy, but I can tie a cherry stem with my mouth!
GLITTER: Favorite way to wear your hair?
AVORI: I love the low side bun look! Very classy and stylish!
GLITTER: Glitter has a celebrity #SelfLoveCampaign. What does self-love mean to you?
AVORI: In order to love yourself, you have to recognize your flaws and learn how to constantly improve and make yourself better. Self-love isn’t loving yourself as you are but loving the way you handle situations even when you know you have messed up.
GLITTER: Any projects you can tell us about that you’re working on next?
AVORI: I am working on things, but unfortunately, I can’t tell what they are. Just be ready for some record-breaking news 😉
GLITTER: How can fans follow you?

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