President-Elect Joe Biden Will Ask Americans to Wear Masks for 100 Days

Alex Gakos/Shutterstock

President-elect Joe Biden has stated that he will ask Americans to mask up for the first 100 days of his administration.

During their first joint interview, Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris sat with Jake Tapper from CNN and talked about their plans for next year. They have been busy putting together their staff and deciding what will be their first points of focus when they get to the White House in January. Biden’s response to COVID-19 is already sharply different than Trumps’ response, or lack thereof.

Biden also shared that he has asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of NIAID, to join his administration as Chief Medical Advisor. Between asking Americans to wear a mask, and the potential for a vaccine in the coming months, people believe that the U.S. could be on the brink of returning to normalcy. Social media users shared the things they would have to look forward to, like concerts and social events, if all of America participated in the 100 days.

Response to the request has been mostly positive, with many noting that Biden plans to “ask” and not force mask-wearing. Americans who have been wearing a mask since the beginning of the pandemic seem to have no issue pushing forward for 100 days. The real task will be in getting anti-maskers to cooperate. On Twitter, some opposers are accusing Biden of being a dictator for even suggesting that he would ask Americans to mask up. Not enforcing masks nationwide will leaving the decisions in the hands of the people, and this has led to spikes in cases across the country.

Scientists and medical professionals are dedicating their lives to finding ways to slow the spread and fight COVID-19. We can do our part by starting now if you have not already: wear a mask, stay home as much as you can, social distance when you are out, and always practice good hygiene. To learn more about COVID-19, check here.