Congress Is Close to Deal on $900 Billion Relief Package

Ivan Marc/Shutterstock

Americans have been suffering under the financial burden of COVID-19 for 10 months, but reports show that Congress may be close to providing some relief.

The Washington Post reported that Congressional leaders have been ironing out the last details for the relief package and they hope to be done by the end of this week. The package will be roughly $900 Billion. A part of the stimulus will most likely include a one-time payment of $600, half of what Americans received in late spring. While some leaders are glad that negotiations are coming to end, some Democratic leaders have been voicing their disappointment for the lack of aid for citizens.

Since the start of quarantine in March, unemployment numbers have skyrocketed, and millions of Americans have slipped below the poverty line. Across the country financial stresses have been exacerbated for most families, with many adults out of work and children out of school. Americans have been waiting for the government to act, while food banks are reaching their limits trying to feed the hungry. Leaders have been fighting to get working-class people and small businesses the money needed to survive.

As news spread that Congress is close to passing the stimulus, social media reacted to the terms. Many people are disheartened by the decrease in the one-time payment, while others question if additional funds will be provided for unemployment services. Citizens and other political leaders have often questioned what has taken so long to get Americans that relief that they need and worry about the long-term effects of damage to the economy. For months, people have compared the United States relief programs against other countries, specifically those that received monthly payments and salary payouts for the unemployed.

Millions of Americans wonder how they will provide for their families this holiday season more than ever before. With a new year starting and new administration about to begin, Americans need proof that the government cares about its workers. The everyday people who are unemployed and struggling need relief now. Those who can work yet still can not afford to live need relief now. Americans do not need a temporary band-aid to heal wounds that this pandemic has caused. For our economy to revive itself and for our country to begin to move forward, our elected officials should act in the best interest of the American people.