Lady Gaga Makes a Special Appearance on ‘Born This Way Day’

Lady Gaga continues to make history when accepting a key to the city of West Hollywood. As Gaga’s iconic Born This Way album reaches its 10-year anniversary, there is no better way to celebrate than to declare May 23 as Born This Way Day. And that is exactly what the artist did.
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Lady Gaga continues to make history when accepting a key to the city of West Hollywood. As Gaga’s iconic Born This Way album reaches its 10-year anniversary, there was no better way to celebrate than to declare May 23 as Born This Way Day. And that is exactly what the artist did.

On May 23, Lady Gaga surprised fans with an in-person appearance in West Hollywood. While administrators presented the Grammy-winning rockstar a key to the city, Gaga officially publicized a new festivity: May 23 as Born This Way Day. Ironically, the star’s Born This Way album release reached its 10th anniversary the same day- perfect timing to say the least. Fans were more than excited to see the singer and ran to social media sites to share the shocking news.

Gaga’s new holiday highlights the meaning of her notable album, as the singer can extend her message of self-acceptance and LGBTQ+ pride. The anthem “Born This Way” is a way of proud, demonstrative communication for an immeasurable amount of individuals. With this self-confidence movement, the Born This Way Foundation has developed in which young adults hold informational conversations to end the stigma of mental health. Through such musical activism, Lady Gaga remains a cultural figure for the growing generations.

“I’ll honor this and I’ll cherish this, and I promise that I’ll always be here for this day to celebrate with you. To feel joy with you, to cry with you, to laugh with you. Because you know what we are? We’re poets, and we’re just talking to each other,” Gaga exclaimed with love to the crowd in West Hollywood.

As LGBTQ+’s Pride Month rounds the corner, be sure to take another listen to Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.” With such a timeless song, fans and listeners can challenge themselves to be their best, authentic versions of themselves.