Columbia Records / Jasmine Safaeian


Halsey Shares New Era With Fans

A new musical era is coming for Halsey, as the singer teases clues through a mysterious website for their fans to decipher.
Columbia Records

A new musical era is coming for Halsey, as the singer teases clues through a mysterious website for their fans to decipher.

In this new era, the project appears to be titled FOR MY LAST TRICK, as the cryptic website filled with clues about their fifth album is listed under the same name.

The last time Halsey released an album was in 2021, with the release of If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power. Since then, there have been many changes in the singer’s life. They now have a child, Ender, and have a new contract with Columbia Records. All of Halsey’s previous albums have been recorded under Capitol Records, so it can be expected that a new contract may usher in a new sound.

Under exploration of the FOR MY LAST TRICK website, there are many vintage stickers, and some hold deeper meanings. One contains a pop-up stating “I have something to tell you.” When you click on it, there is an email sign-up link.

Additionally, under the “Lesstime Hits and Grooves Sticker,” there is a playlist featuring songs by Fleetwood Mac (“Little Lies,” “Landslide”), Joni Mitchell (“Cactus Tree”), Tracy Chapman (“Fast Car”) and many other iconic artists, which could be a possible inspiration for the sound of the upcoming record.

Some of the other vintage stickers include, “You Won’t Find Me Here,” “The End,” “Master Mystifier,” “Woman Out for Blood,” and many more. These could be potential song lyrics, titles, or interesting clues to lead to a larger artistic story Halsey aims to tell.

The singer herself has not directly confirmed any of this news until today. The last time the singer posted on Instagram before this news was to promote their makeup brand, About Face Beauty, on May 20. They did share via Twitter last September that their next chapter would be “Revelation.”

Halsey will be doing something different for this era, releasing the first song off the album prior to the first single. The first song off the album, “The End,” will be released tomorrow, June 4, according to the clock reading 6:04 on the FOR MY LAST TRICK website and Halsey’s tweet posted today.

The clues are beginning to line up. Explore the FOR MY LAST TRICK website and Halsey’s new era here.