Sophia Bush: Breaking Down Barriers
Sophia is passionate about solving today’s problems!
In addition to acting, Sophia Bush is also famous in the entrepreneurial world! She is very passionate about tearing down barriers, especially with equal opportunities for both men and women in the working world. She is very vocal about her position as a feminist and activist.
Along with numerous other causes, Sophia speaks up for women’s rights issues. She stated, “when you educate girls, invest in girls, you see changes to the entire community.” Sophia focuses specifically on encouraging women to continue into secondary education.
About 8 years ago, the actress became interested in getting into investing. She has been very successful with investments in startups. When deciding where to invest, Sophia asks herself, “is it solving and making more efficient an issue today.”
One example of Sophia’s investments is the PenPals Schools, a startup that connects children in the United States with children around the world. Her investments revolve around finding solutions to the variety of problems that hurt our world today.
Sophia is also a huge advocate for The Girl Project, a business that strives to break down the barriers of entry to secondary education for women.
She is an empowering role model who does it all and reminds us to follow our passions and speak up for what we believe in!
Instagram/photo: SophiaBush
Twitter: @SophiaBush