Say Hello to Third Love and Goodbye to Bad Bra Days

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Bra sizes have to be one of the hardest things to learn how to do right. It is not something that you are taught as a woman, it is just one of those things you have to figure out through trial and error. Have you ever tried on a bra and then went to a different store and you were a completely different size? Well, Third Love is here to help us get it together.

Third Love not only considers your bra size but your boob shape as well so that you are able to “find styles that fit your body impeccably.” Third Love offers a free quiz that will let you know what bra size is a better option for you. This quiz does not require a measuring tape and instead considers your common issues and your experiences with bras. Did you know that your boob shape matters when it comes to finding the perfect bra? If you didn’t know before, you do now.

Say hello to Third Love and goodbye to bad bra days.

Website:  – This link goes directly to the quiz.