Interview with Xolo Maridueña of NBC’s Parenthood



Photo credit: Olesja Mueller

Xolo Maridueña is best known for playing Victor on NBC’s hit show, Parenthood. The final season of Parenthood premieres on NBC this Thursday, September 25, 2014. He started commercials first and his first TV audition was for Parenthood and then rest as they say is history. This year Xolo was also nominated for an Imagen Award for “Best Young Actor Television.” He didn’t win, but he said it was an honor to be nominated and he also loved presenting. Did you know he’s also a huge D&D fan and that his favorite ice cream flavor is a tie? If you don’t know what D&D is, drop everything and find out and then come back promptly to read more about this talented actor.

GLITTER: Tell us about your character on Parenthood.

XOLO: Victor is a fighter, not a physical fighter, but a kid who is never going to give up.  You can take away his mom, his home, his security, his classmates, whatever, but you knock Victor down and he’s going to get back up.  I try to really keep that fighting spirit when I get into Victor mode.

GLITTER: When did you start acting?

XOLO: I started in 2011. I did commercials at first and then I auditioned for Parenthood. It was actually the first TV audition I had done, so I guess it went well.

GLITTER:  What’s it like working with the cast of Parenthood?

XOLO: Great cast! I know everyone says that about their show, but seriously, the Parenthood cast is the best. I’m especially close to Tyree and Savannah. I feel so lucky to be a part of this show. It’s a family on and off camera.

GLITTER:  What was it like being nominated for an Imagen Award for “Best Young Actor Television” in 2014?

XOLO: Whoa, that was a surprise huh?  It was cool, but you know what I liked just as much (well maybe more since I didn’t win), was presenting.  Holding that envelope and getting to say the name was a rush.

GLITTER: What’s on rotation on your iPod?

XOLO: There is so much diversity in what I listen to. Today I played some Stevie Wonder, Violent Femmes, Eminem, Tribe Called Quest, and Tyler the Creator.  I live in a house full of records, real, vinyl, put them on a turntable, records…so I think it’s my duty to listen to them all.

GLITTER: Tell us something people might not know about you.

XOLO: Well, I’m a D&D fanatic, and if you know what D&D is, then you’re a nerd too!

GLITTER:  If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be and why?

XOLO: Well, if I had a time traveling machine, I would like to have dinner with my future self.  See how college went. Find out if I got taller. If I can’t go to the future and can only choose someone from the past I would choose Malcolm X, the human rights activist.  When I was little, like five, I used to know all the words to many of his speeches.  He was also my third grade book report.

GLITTER: If you weren’t acting, what would you do instead?

XOLO: What I do now I guess, I like school so I would try to finish eighth grade strong so I can go into high school with a good record.  I think I would also spend more time doing music, drumming or get more time doing animation, which I’m getting pretty good at.

GLITTER: What’s your favorite thing to do during the summer?

XOLO: I hop on my bike with my best friend, Anthony, and we head over to the mall or to the movies. Sometimes we just drive around the city and explore.  The best thing to do in the summer is stay outdoors until the street lights go on.

GLITTER: Favorite summer trend?

XOLO: Muscle shirts. Even though I have no muscles, I like popping them on with a pair of shorts and think about working out.

GLITTER: Favorite flavor of ice cream?

XOLO: This is a tough one.  It might have to be a tie between cookie dough and mint chocolate chip. They both sound so good right now!