Zara Larsson And Ed Sheeran Co-Wrote a Song, And There’s A Music Video


The music video for Zara Larsson and Ed Sheeran’s co-written song ‘Don’t Let Me Be Yours’ from Larsson’s album ‘So Good’ has just been released.

Ed Sheeran posted on his Instagram about the collab on March 17. The extremely talented duo produced a catchy and meaningful song that has been climbing the charts ever since it’s release. Now, there is a music video to accompany it, which features Zara Larsson hanging out at a race track.

‘Don’t Let Me Be Yours’ is one of 15 tracks on the album ‘So Good,’ her first that has been released internationally. The album features other hits of Larsson’s such as ‘Symphony,’ ‘Never Forget You,’ and ‘TG4M.’ We can’t wait to see what’s next from Zara Larsson and what other singles will have fantastic music videos like this one!

Zara Larsson album out today. We wrote this song together and I love it. Check it out X

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Watch the ‘Don’t Let Me Be Yours’ music video here.

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